Dear Prayer Warriors,

Praise the Lord!

I give below the details of the forthcoming renewal programmes in Gujarat. Kindly pray 
for these programmes.

25  28th October       : Malayalam Convention - Loyola Hall, Ahmedabad
26  28th October       : Christeen Retreat - Loyola Hall, Ahmedabad 
26  28th October       : Hindi Convention  Gomtipur, Ahmedabad
1  4th November        : Malayalam Convention  Bapunagar, Ahmedabad
14  18th November      : Growth Retreat for Youth (English)  Sanand, Ahmedabad
14  18th November      : Initial Retreat for Youth (Gujarati)  Dakor
14  18th November      : Initial Retreat for Boys (Gujarati)  Nagra
22  25th November      : Initial Retreat for  Girls (Gujarati)  Nagra

Please pray specially as the coming days are very important for the renewal of Gujarat.

Love, Sibi

Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India
Tel: 079 685 7974

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