Dear Friends,

   I request ur prayer for our forthcoming X-mas programme in Goldakhana. Our main 
theme is Kerigma. As a Jesus youth we should share our God, His love ,why he came in 
this world.....

We are preparing some stalls there as given below

1).Kerigma-Outreach Ministry
2) Pro-life-Pro-life Ministry
3) Film - Sujit,Binu,Tijo,Jiju and team
4) Church History-Binoj,Bineesh, Iby and team

And also  a general stall. But we are lacking prayer and Human recourse, so please 
pray for that and come forward to make it well because we are doing it for God's Grace

Specilay pray for Abha and team (Our Music Ministry) who are doing Music nights.

Next Sunday there is meeting in Father Agnel School at 4.30 for taking decions about 
X-mas programme everybody please come for that and take ur part and join with the teams

With Love Jojo Joseph

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