You awesome people .. it is me again...
still i receive lot of mails. thankx.. thankx alot...
some people r wondering seeing my mails every day.
they gussed well..yes. it is true.. i am having my
holidays.. so i can spend little more than the usual
time before the net..
well, today i thought of sharing something about
australia. it is a nice country. may be the only
country which posesses the entire continent. the
poulation is little less than 20 million! (two third
of kerala!)i think it is almost 3 times bigger than
India. people mainly live in cities. the center part
of australia is desert. two third is not fit for
living.main problem is the scarecity of water.
australia may be one of the richest countries of the
world. though the population is multicultural in
nature 90% are that of Europian origin. english is the
main and the only official language.the country has it
own local people  i.e aborginee people or indigienious
people as they r called. but they r less than 5% of
the total population. the main cities r sydney,
melbourne, brisbane and adelaide. the cities r really
beautiful.australia is blessed with beautiful beaches
and variety if wildelife and land scape. it is rich in
the ordinary aussies r kind and fun loving. aussies r
known for their sence of humour. one can see that
every where(now u dont ask me about aussi cricket team
and their sense of humour!..that is a very different
story..u know it better than me....) 
well it is a christian country. more than 30% r
catholic. but like many western countries australia
too is becoming less God oriented. that is the biggest
challenge before the church here. charismatic movement
is spreaded almost every where, but it is not active
as we hav it in india. may be we need more jys here!
people hav practically every thing here. lot of
wealth, great sence of security due to the
Geographical isolation, and absence of natural and man
made calamities..etc. it is a young country
established by british convicts 200 years ago. but
natives were here for more than 6000 years. catholic
presence is mainly felt in education and health care.
these days church is active in justice and peace
issues. since the younger generation is lossing their
faith church tries faith formulation through schools.
every catholic school has it own dept. of religious
education. also another major problem australian
society faces is the family disintergration. marriages
often break off here. it often leads children to lack
of security and higher level of immorality. young
people often do not hav a role model to look up. 
at the same time lot of young adults hav started to
thtink differently. australia has a powerful
charismatic covenent community and a powerful youth
ministry in which every year 40 young people take one
year or more full time committment to serve the
lord.they travel all around australia sharing the good
news among the young pople.the church is almost in the
theshold of a new spring time . 
keep the aussie church in your prayers. we need a lot
of prayers here. 
lov you all heaps
God bless you all 
jose mathew  australia       

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