here's nothing like a good wedding! For the parents, a wedding is a chance to 
"showcase" their son/daughter in pride and love. For the wedding party, there is the 
honor of being associated with the bride and groom as their closest friends. For the 
bride and groom, the wedding offers a chance to declare their love for one another. 
For the rest of us, it's a time to experience joy, good food, dance, and be generous 
to people we love. 

God must love a good wedding. In fact, one of the first things we know about the 
public life of Jesus is he attended a wedding where he turned water into wine, his 
first miracle. He celebrated with the family, and those in attendance. Nothing implies 
that he skipped out of the party early either. 

A good wedding, however, is more than fun and entertainment. It is meant to give 
thanks to the God who brings people together and makes it possible for them to love 
one another. A wedding is meant to ask God's blessing upon the two people making a 
commitment to one another. You know the wedding is a good one when two people get 
serious, look one another in the eye and make promises which they intend to keep for 
the rest of their lives. Even more though, a wedding is great when everyone in 
attendance goes away reminded of the power of love and sacrifice in human 

But the wedding itself is not all there is to it either. It is only a still photograph 
in the video of life. There's a lot of living to do after the wedding is over. The 
wedding is relatively easy to make happen, even a good wedding. It's in the marriage 
that the wedding commemorates where the challenges begin. 

More than once God has been invited to a wedding through the prayers, the music, and 
the liturgy of the ceremony, and soon after ushered out of the marriage - forgotten, 
dismissed, replaced. What does it mean to invite God to a marriage? What difference 
would it make if He were an invited guest? 

You know God has been invited into a marriage when the two people (husband and wife) 
make a daily effort to acknowledge His presence through prayer and declarations of 
worship and reverence. You know God is present if you see two people who treat one 
another with consummate respect and care, who make it their priority to encourage and 
build one another in love, and who find strength and courage to take on the tough 
moments of conflict and resolve them in confession and forgiveness. You know God is a 
guest in a marriage when you see two people who believe that, while making one another 
happy is important, they pursue higher goals like serving in the larger world in ways 
that bring value to their generation. It is clear God is a guest in the marriage where 
the home is marked with peace, tranquility and hospitality, and where kindness, order, 
and generosity endure. 

When a couple leaves God behind at the wedding, anything may happen. If a couple 
invites God along on their marriage, great things will happen. He's promised.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: "Two are better off than one, because together they can work more 
effectively.  If one of them falls down, the other can help him up.  But if someone is 
alone and falls, it's just too bad, because there is no one to help him.  If it is 
cold, two can sleep together and stay warm, but how can you keep warm by yourself?  
Two people can resist and attack that would defeat one person alone.  A rope made of 
three cords is hard to break." 
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