Dear JOYnet friends,

At least some of you'll would be knowing me. Joseph - Satara - India. Well i
am writing this mail to share about a wonderful experience i had yesterday.

After the mass one of the senior members of the parish went up to tell our
parish priest that we ought to give 12 covers to the parishnors so that it
would be eassy for all to give the donations. He was sayiny this sarcastically
as there was an announcement made duirng the mass that a contribution of Rs
100/-would be collected from the parishnors for the Xmas and Parish feast. The
Priest got bucked because this has been the habbit of the 'chettan' never gets
involoved construtively in any aspects of the chruch but is always  is
criticising. Any way there was an heated argument which ended up with  the
'chettan' stating that he would to some other chruch and he threw the ';cover
in fronty of the priest.

I then went to the chettan sat along with him in his car and tried to counsel
him ( I am basically a Social Worker by profession). He was passified and
agreed to come again. Praise my Lord along with me.

The more exciting part of the how the Spirit worked is from what happened
after this. the chettan and his family left. My parish priest called me up and
then we had a nice sharing (He and me a quite pally). After I told him some of
the mistakes he and the earlier priest  had done and how the 'chettan' had
been HURT by thier behaviour. All through out the discussion i was being poked
from in side to ask the Father whether I should pray.

I suggested to the Father that why not pray? He readily agreed. Both of us
prayed for some time. After the prayer Fr. suggested that i should acompany
him to the chettan's home. to tell you''l frankly I was not that intrested as
i was not sure how the chettan would react and also what exactly the Fr.
wanted to say to the chettan.

We went the chettan's home which is about 15 K.Ms from Satara. But he had not
yet reached home . We waited for nearly half an hour but they did not come. So
the Fr. and me decided to return. On the way back Fr. suggested that we visit
another  home where the3re was apossibility that the chettan would be there.
All these places are quite far off from one another.

Well the chettan was there. The Father just said hello ------- chetta, "sorry
ketto.., lets patch up and begin again". I could not stop the tears in my
eyes. A small thing I had tried for conciliation and i was to witness the
healing hand of MY MIGHTY LORD.

Love and Prayers.

Joseph/ Satara/ India.

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