Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Christmas


Christ is born to us.  Christ is our savior and our redeemer. When Jesus
Christ was born at Bethlehem in Judea, a great miracle accompanied his
birth. When God took Human form the whole Heaven and Earth rejoiced and
the first Christian message broadcast was Peace. Peacefulness in our
Hearts Minds is the message of Christmas, the Christ Event. “ Glory to
God in the highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom he is
pleased.” Lk.2.14.  There were different kinds of unusual occurrences as
Jesus; the Immanuel Mt.1.23 (God with us) was born. The birth of Jesus
was announced to Mary by an angel. “ Peace be with you, the Lord is with
you and has greatly blessed you” Lk.1.28.   At the birth of Immanuel, God
intervened miraculously and saved Mother Mary from shame, punishment and
death. Joseph the husband of Mary was blessed with insight and
understanding of Mary. Joseph was filled with the Holy Spirit.   He was
deeply hurt when he saw his wife was with child prior to their marriage
but   the moment the grace of God shone on Him, Joseph changed his
attitude. Attitude change and acceptance of blessing in the Holy family
is a great Christ event.


Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit.


The amazing experience of Mary at the Birth of Jesus was the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit on her.  The angel of God addressed a doubtful Mary,“
The Holy spirit will Come on you and God’s power will rest upon you For
this reason the holy child will be called the son of God” Lk. 1.35   The
Word of God that came to Mary through an angel is very decisive in the
life of Jesus. The Angel said that the Holy Child born of Virgin Mary
would be called Son of God and Jesus always made reference to himself as
the Son of God. I think it was for this reason that the Jewish people
have decided to Crucify and to kill him. Th! ey couldn’t afford the idea
of having one of the Jew qualifying himself to be the Son of God.

They all said, “Are you the Son of God… and they said we don’t need any
witness! We ourselves have heard what he said” Lk. 22 70 and the Jewish
people decided to do away with Jesus for addressing himself  “the Son of
God”. They thought that Jesus was just claiming that he is the Son of God.
They didn’t have the Holy Spirit in them to discern the presence of God
in their midst, regardless of all the miracles and his teachings.


I am Jesus whom you persecute


The persecutors of Jesus and his followers changed their attitudes as God
chose to touch them. When God intervened the persecutors themselves were
converted to be his followers. Conversion of Saul (Paul) is an example of
God changing the persecutors of Christians into his followers. “ Who are
you Lord?” Acts 9.5 Saul asked and the voice said “I am Jesus whom you
persecute” Acts9.5.   Jesus was quick to announce to Saul that it is
himself who spoke to him. It is amazing to see God in identifying Himself
with His elect, the suffering people of God.  During this Christmas we
are invited to feel, Jesus identifying with us, his suffering children.
The coming of John the Baptizer heralded the coming of the Immanuel. 
Mary being pregnant with the Holy Child went to see the wonder the Lord
has done to a woman by the name Elizabeth, who was thought to be barren.
Being barren, she was thought to be a curse, to the family and community.
But the Lord heard her cry and an angel announced to her the birth of a
son.  John was born to her, John who was to go before the Lord announcing
a way of repentance. At the birth of John, his Dad Zechariah was
delivered from his doubt and punishment.


Miracle before Christmas


 Even before the birth of the Immanuel, the cleansing aspect of Christmas
started.  From the womb of his mother Mary, Jesus started cleansing
people and sending the Holy Spirit on them.  When Elizabeth “heard Mary’s
greetings, the baby moved within her. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy
Spirit and said  ‘ you are the most blessed of all women” Lk.1.41. 
Elizabeth glorified God and she said  “ the baby within me jumped with
gla! dness. Happy are you to believe that the Lord’s message to you will
be fulfilled” Lk.1.45. Here, Elizabeth an ordinary person was filled with
the Holy Spirit as Christ visited her home and being.  I think the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit makes Christmas a singular event. 


The Star obeyed God


A Heavenly sign accompanied the Birth of Jesus. A light appeared to the
people who lived in the darkness who were open to the Spirit of the Lord.
Three wise men from distant lands saw the star that was burning bright.
They read the sings of times. They recognized in that heavenly light, a
major event, God coming as man. They recognized the light of God.  God
inspired them through that star. They followed the star of Jesus. “ The
Star … went ahead of them” Mt.2.9-10. The Stars proclaimed birth of the
Immanuel. The heavenly luminaries that God has created and put in place
obeyed their creator. “ So God made the two larger lights, the sun to
rule the day and the moon to rule the night. He also made the stars.”
Gen.1.16. The very stars God cre! ated burned differently at the birth of
the Immanuel.  


Offerings at Christmas


The most learned people in the world who came from different lands “offered
him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh”.  Prior to the offering of the
gifts to the Lord the right attitude prescribed in the Bible is that of
Worship. The Magi, “knelt down and worshiped Him” Mt.2.11.  These  
learned people who read the signs of the times, traveled across the
continents with precious gifts. When they saw Jesus, they knelt down
before the King of kings and worshiped Him. I think this worshiping
attitude is a profound Christmas experience. 


Christmas is proclamation of the Power of God


Christmas is proclamation of the Power of God to the entire Universe and
the communication of the Peace of God. Mother “Mary gave birth to her
first born son, wrapped him in clothes and laid him in a manger” Lk.2.7. 
When Mary and Joseph looked after the newborn King, there were shepherds
in that part of the country who were spending the night in the fields,
taking care of their flocks.  The angel of the Lord didn’t waste any
moment. The angel appeared with an army of angels. They started to sing

 “ Glory to God” Lk.2.14. I am sure that  they sang and danced. They sang
the most wonderful message of Peace of earth to men of good will.  The
Shepherds were terribly horrified and the angel reassured them of God’s
grace and providence and asked them not to fear. God cleansed them of
their fear as the angel cleansed Mary of her fear at his apparition “ Do
not be afraid I am here with good news for you … you will find a baby
wrapped in clothes lying in a meager” Lk.2.8 ff.



During this Christmas of 2001, God is reassuring us of our dignity as
children of God. Many of us might be afraid in various ways. But God is
benevolent. God heals us of our inner fears and anxieties at Christmas

God upholds our cause and us.



Merry Christmas to you


Fr. Thomas Mathew

December 21,2001




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