Am sharing how the good God touched me during this Christmas season. It was 
a month back that I got a sore on the side of my small finger on my toe 
because of shoe pinching. It hardened and started to get painful day by day. 
I tried my own tricks to ease the pain and had been limping all this month. 
It was after almost a month that when during mass this Friday that I was 
praying looking at the Lord in the monstrance and something asked me to pray 
for the healing of my toe. I did so and came out of the church. Just outside 
was the counter I was attending to selling church calendars (money going to 
charity). As I came out another of the volunteers at the counter who also 
happened to be a male nurse noticed me limping and asked me why. I told him 
about my toe and he gave me medical advice. Tried the advice and my toe is 
getting better.

This friend and me have been attending to the same counter for more than a 
month and I had been limping all those days, but it was only on the moment I 
prayed to the Lord that he asked me why and gave me advice. I thank the good 
Lord who works in mysterious ways for His love for His servants, for the 
care He has for His children. Praise the Lord.

Another thing that happened this morning was; me and my friend were on the 
way to church this morning. We got out of the transport bus and it was a 
five minute walk from the bus stop to church, but we were going to be late 
as it was almost time for the mass. I just jokingly told my friend, "if we 
had a bicycle we could have made it faster", and just then a car stopped 
behind us asking us to get in. We made it in time for mass. The love of our 
Lord is extraordinary, that is concerned about even the little things about 
His children. Praise and thanks to our loving Father.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

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