Happy New Year guys....lets pray that this New Year be a year full of peace,
understanding & love in our hearts, in our homes & specially in the world. 1st
Jan is incidentally also declared as World Peace day. This is what his
holiness Pope John Paul 2 has to say in his message delivered on 8th Dec 2001
for celebration of World peace day.....

'On this World Day of Peace, may a more intense prayer rise from the hearts of
all believers for the victims of terrorism, for their families so tragically
stricken, for all the peoples who continue to be hurt and convulsed by
terrorism and war. May the light of our prayer extend even to those who
gravely offend God and man by these pitiless acts, that they may look into
their hearts, see the evil of what they do, abandon all violent intentions,
and seek forgiveness. In these troubled times, may the whole human family find
true and lasting peace, born of the marriage of justice and mercy!'

So as disciples of Jesus in the new millennium let us pledge to:

PRAY regularly for justice and peace.
LEARN more about Catholic social teaching and its call to protect human life,
stand with the poor and care for creation.
REACH across boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, gender and disabling
LIVE justly in family life, school, work, the marketplace and the political
SERVE those who are poor and vulnerable, sharing more time and talent.
GIVE more generously to those in need at home and abroad.
ADVOCATE for public policies that protect human life, promote human dignity,
preserve God's creation and build peace.
ENCOURAGE others to work for greater charity, justice and peace.

You can also make a pledge for peace at http://www.pledgepeace.org/

Areis Fernandes...

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