Hello Friends,

Wishing all of you a joyful new year!!!

Inviting you all to take a new year resolution after reading the
following mail.  This is the daily bread... Very much applicable for 
all of us.  Please read it and reflect on it...
Hope it will help to take a new decision for a new start....

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.


Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for 
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. -- 
2 Timothy 3:16

After 30 years as a pastor, a New Jersey minister concluded, "The Bible is 
the best-selling, least-read, and least-understood book." In his view, 
"Biblical illiteracy is rampant."

George Gallup, the foremost religion pollster in the US, agrees: "We revere 
the Bible," he says, "but we don't read it." In a recent survey, 64 per 
cent of those questioned said they were too busy to read the Bible. The 
average household has three Bibles but less than half the people in the US 
can name the first book in the Old Testament. One survey found that 12 per 
cent of its Christian respondents identified Noah's wife as Joan of Arc!

The solution? Read the Bible! Join me in a commitment to read the entire 
Bible through in the coming year. It will take about 15 minutes a day to 
follow the reading guide in this booklet. Are we too busy for that?

The goal is not information, but transformation. Someone summarised 2 
Timothy 3:16 by saying: "God's Word shows us which road to take (doctrine). 
It tells us when we get off track (reproof); how to get back on 
(correction); and how to stay on (instruction in righteousness)."

God's Word is a precious gift. So let's read it through this coming year. 
-- DCM

If you've never read the Bible through,
There's a special joy awaiting you:
You could start the New Year out just right
Walking with the Lord and in His light. -- Hess

The Bible: The more you read it, the more you love it; the more you love 
it, the more you read it.

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