Dear God, I wish everyone a Happy New Year”The five years old  Priya said
at Mass.

“Why should this great thing happen to me, that my Lord’s mother came to
visit me” Luke 1:41-42.

When the clock signaled the birth of the new year of 2002, I was home
with my family, celebrating the Holy Mass, as is a custom for many years.
When the New Year was born, it was time for our intercessory prayers and
one of our guests, Doctor Ranit from the Philippines just finished the
intercessory prayers and we could hear  the fire works. I expected
someone else to pick up the intercessory prayers. There came a very keen
voice, the voice of a five years old young girl by the name Priya, my
niece. I think she couldn’t wait long to greet everyone a Happy New Year.
Priyam said “ Dear God I wish everyone a Happy New Year” and she hid her
face in the lap of her dad. People couldn’t stop laughing. Thus we
welcomed the New Year both in prayer and joyfully . I was in a group of
Indian people, mostly professionals, (engineers, and businessmen and
women mostly, non Christians most of them)  at 11.00 Pm last night and
they were getting ready to dance and to create a dancing and joyful mood
at the stroke of the midnight  to welcome the new Year. They did welcome
the New Year the way they planned in alcohol, food and noise. But some of
us greeted the New Year with the celebration of the Holy Mass and
intercessory prayers.  I have heard from some people in the Middle east
that they were planning to spend the midnight, in prayer to welcome the
new Year.

Every year, on the first of January, the Holy Mother Church celebrates
the feast of Mary Mother of God and Mother of the Church. On this feast
day, as God respected a woman, who is God’s own handiwork, “Then God made
man fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, God took out one
of man’s ribs and closed up the flesh. He formed a woman out of the rib
and brought her to him” Genesis 2:21. The Holy Hands of God molded the
woman, Eve, beautifully. God is the craftsman. God made her with his bare
hands, with is imagination, with his creativity and formed the woman in
his holine! ss and own image.

God chose another woman in the course of time, or in the fullness of
time, and went into her body to be born as a man. God not only touched
her body but also ate from her body. God lived inside her body and
sanctified that body. God gave Mary a chance to feel God’s feelings and
God felt the feelings of Mary. This Mary who was pregnant with God, the
Mother of God, went to visit one of her relatives by the name Elizabeth.
There is a saying that goodness diffuses. God is good. The good God
diffused and influenced the being of even Elizabeth.

God fired Elizabeth up. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and praised
God in a loud voice. Elizabeth praised God in a Loud voice and stated
that Mary is the “most blessed among all women” Luke 1:42. Elizabeth
blessed God and blessed Mary because she felt the power of God. She felt
holy as her and her son’s sins were forgiven. “When Elizabeth heard
Mary’s greetings, the baby moved within her. Elizabeth was filled with
the Holy Spirit” Luke 1:41 Yes, it is possible for a mother to feel the
status of her children. The mothers feel what the children in her womb go
through. The blessing of Elizabeth prompted the response from Mary. Mary
also broke into songs. She blessed God because of the blessed child she
had in her womb, who is our creator God.  God loved Mary and made her His
mother, his abode. God found favor with Mary and respected her.

At the annunciation, the Angel, God’s emissary, greeted Mary with
Heavenly Peace. I think no other woman had that singular honor to hear
from an angel that she is greatly blessed. “ Peace be with you! The Lord
is with you and God has greatly blessed you” Luke 1:28. Then to a 
“deeply troubled Mary” the angel of God was kind and respectful and said
“Don’t be frightened Mary, God has been gracious to you” Luke 1:30. God
was gracious to Mary and made her God’s mother. Mary became the Mother of
Jesus, the son of the Most high. “For this reason the holy Child will be
called the Son of God” Luke 1: 35. Mary became the mother of Jesus, “Immanuel
which means God is with us” Matthew 1:23.  

Every year, on the first of January, the Universal Church celebrates the
feast of Mary Mother of God. I think there is enough reason for us to
celebrate this feast right after the solemnity of Christmas. The Christ
Event made Mary the Mother of Jesus, our savior. “ Because he will save
people from their sins” Matthew 1:21. The savior who redeems us from our
sins took human form from Mary. Every respect Mary was his mother. Mother
Mary loved her son Jesus with all anxiety. When Jesus got lost, she and
Joseph we! nt searching for him and found him in the Temple. Like any
other mother she expressed her love and concern and asked Jesus, “ son
why have you done this to us” Luke 2:48. Jesus said to her that he was to
be in his Father’s house.  His Father is God and Mary is Jesus’ mother.
Mary is the Mother of the, “Son of God” Luke 1:35.  Mary, the Mother of
God, was silent and even obedient to his mother. God in the person of
Jesus was obedient to his mother. “ So Jesus went back with t! hem to
Nazareth, where he was obedient to them.” Luke 2:51. God in the person of
Jesus was obedient to Mary. Jesus did what Mary asked him to do. He
learned new techniques to communicate and to articulate, from Mary. She
learned wisdom from Mary and “Jesus gained favor with God and men”. Luke

Mother Mary followed Jesus like his shadow as any other mother would do. 
She listened to Jesus. Mary prayed for Jesus. She prayed with Jesus,
offered “sacrifices of two young pigeons” Luke2: 24, in behalf of Jesus.
Mary visited the temple of Jerusalem with Jesus. Mary was with Jesus
along his way of the Cross. She stood by her son as he suffered on the
cross. Jesus saw his mother by the cross and Jesus felt for her. He knew
that someone has to take care of her and to provide for her. Jesus felt
the way any other son would feel at his death about the surviving mot!
her. “Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing there; so
he said to his mother, “He is your son”. Then he said to the disciple, 
“she is your mother”. From that time the disciple took her to live in his
home” John 19:26-27 As Jesus breathed his last, the powers of the nature
were shaken. The Roman officer and the army were terrified and they also
said “ He really was the Son of God” Matthew 27:54. which again proves
that his mother Mary is the  Mother of God. The friends and family of
Jesus lowered Jesus from the Cross and laid him in his mother’s lap. Mary
was present when the apostles had the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. At
the Inauguration of the Church Mary was present.

>From the beginning till the culmination of the Christ event, the birth
and progress of the Church, Mary stood by Jesus and the Church. She is
now in heaven, with the Glorious Church interceding in our behalf. Mary
is the Mother of God. She is also our mother.

The official Prayer of the Church on the feast of Mary Mother of God is
as follows (which we say at the conclusion of the Mass in the Latin

“Father as we proclaim the virgin Mary to be the mother of Christ and the
mother of the Church, may our communion with her son, bring us salvation”.


Mary is the Mother of Christ and also the Mother of the Church. Mary is
our Mother. I would say Mary is my mother too.

 Happy Feast

 Blessings for a Joyful  and Blessed New Year  2002.


God Bless

Fr. Thomas Mathew/January 1,2002



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