Hey you!  Yes, I’m talking to you.  (Sorry, don’t mean
to be disrespectful if you’re older.)  Now that I’ve
got your attention, I can dive right in....

I know it’s been many, many months since we’ve written
in detail, and it’s been an even longer time since we
updated the JY Worldwide News page.  For that, I ask
your forgiveness for 3 things: my laziness, tardiness,
and tiredness!!  In any case, it’s time to start
moving forward and get some hearts, spirits, and feet
moving and dancing!  

Ok, wait, wait, before you skim through the rest of
this email, give me a chance.  Come on, come on, I
know we’re all busy, but seriously... how long has it
been since you’ve really had some great fellowship,
where you laughed, cried, rejoiced, let loose, and
released yourself to the freeing Spirit of the Lord? 
Do you feel like you don’t know why you’re praying,
and that it’s just the same old cycle?  Do you feel
like you’re not getting adequate fellowship from your
group?  If it’s been a long time since you’ve felt
“refreshed”, we have just the thing for you to look
forward to....what better way to celebrate and truly
experience who we are as young people in Jesus Youth
than gathering as one unit together, from all
different corners of the globe, to celebrate our
reason for living (and to remind ourselves as well!)? 
For this reason precisely, we are reminding you about
the upcoming grand event and encouraging you to

International Jesus Youth Gathering 2002
in conjunction with 
Youth Arise International Festival & World Youth Day
July 18th – 28th
Ottawa/Toronto, Canada

What better way to celebrate our faith, our heritage,
and our traditions than with the millions of other
youth in the world who love the Lord and belong to the
same family of the Church?!  Answer?  There is no
better way!

So you’re probably wondering, “Where is this going to
be held?” and “Who exactly is participating in this?,”
 or, “How can I find out more?”, or even, “Are you
crazy??  How in the world do you expect me to pay for
a trip like that?!?!”  Well, I only have one thing to
say:  God will make a way where there is no way. 
Leave the details to Him...He’s an excellent event
planner.  :)

As Jesus Youth, we are planning to have a gathering to
use it as a time to grow in our faith life, using
resources and techniques of learning, and to have
fellowship with one another in the process.  There are
so many of us who have been communicating with each
other for years, but have never gotten the chance to
meet in person.  This will give us the prime
opportunity to do so, expanding the global network in
the process.  

I’ll bet you want to know what’s going to happen
there, right?  Well, for starters, since it’s a
Catholic event, you can bet that there will be
frequent sacraments like daily mass and confession. 
In addition to that, you’ll get to attend different
workshops that will help you learn how to live out
your faith in a more fulfilling way (application),
open your eyes to the truth about teachings of the
Church (catechesis), and use the different means of
media to entertain and educate the artistic side of
the soul (concerts & drama).
World Youth Day is a life-changing experience...I can
vouch for that from my own experience last time in
Rome during the Jubilee Year 2000.  It was a
tremendous time of grace and mercy.  I long for all of
you to experience that as well.  The actual event
wasn’t what moved me to the depths of my
soul...rather, it was the experience I had with those
I traveled with, that completely changed my outlook
what it means to live a Christian life.  (see archives
for details)  I really want every single one of you
that’s reading this to go through that experience as
well.  It’s a time for healing, it’s a time for
forgiveness...most of all, it’s a time for Christian

Moreover, we can learn a lot from each other if we
really make an effort to make this event a success. 
There’s so much we can do to help ourselves grow as a
result of this gathering!...I’m at a loss for words to
adequately express my desire that each and every one
of you be blessed by coming together in Christ’s name
with all Catholic youth from around the world ... all
2 million or so of us that are expected to attend. 
  (Now if that isn’t a party, I don’t know
what is.)

So, does it sound worth it yet?  If so, at the JY
Worldwide page, you’ll soon find a flyer that will
give you more information about who to contact in your
local area.  Those listed on that flyer will have
details regarding the dates, cost, travel, food,
housing arrangements, and registration information. 
We will be collecting names and other contact
information for now and will get in touch with you to
fill in the paperwork soon after.  If you’re still not
sure about this whole thing, you can still talk to one
of your local contact people and 
they’ll be able to convince you.  If not, I will have
take all of us through boot camp again.  :)  Have a
very happy and fruitful New Year in the Lord.  As
always, take care & God bless!  

Love & Prayers,
Leese (Lisa)
Philadelphia, PA, USA

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