Dear friends in Jesus
Greetings from Ecuador!
Due to some log-in problems I could not send mails for
some time. Now I have signed up with a new email
Well,We are very happy here at the beginning of this
New Year, because, last Sunday I blessed the marriage
of Daniel and Diana. I really could not help crying
when I blessed their marriage because it was the first
marriage that I bless after coming to this mission and
staying here for 17 months. Theirs was the only
marriage of 2001.Here it is very rare to get married
in the church, and still more rare it is to get
married young people. Those who marry here usually
have children and grand children. And that too is very
The men fear to get married telling that they will
loose their authority after marriage. The women also
don’t like the bond of marriage, because they will
loose a pension from the government for the unwed
mothers. Moreover, it is very expensive here to get
married. They will have to pay to the government to
register it. And they cannot even think of a marriage
without a grand feast. So the poor people fear it.
When I talked with many on this issue I tried to
convince them that to live together a man and women
without receiving the Sacrament of marriage is
adultery, but they don’t understand and admit it. They
say that it is adultery only when a man has relations
with more than one woman. The Sacrament of marriage is
no matter of concern for them. Only the Holy Spirit
can convince them.
Please pray for our people.    
May God bless you all
Fr.Rafi Kootumkal


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