Dear friends,
Yesterday evening,we had our couples' cell meeting.
You could say,it was dedicated to the Elvis-Priya couple and their kids.They
are expecting the 4th child now.
As we began sharing,Elvis Chettan was sharing how he always gets a promotion
when they are about to have their next baby.So far he has reached the
position just below the General Manager -With the next baby he expects to
become GM of his Company!
Soon,we remembered how Berly got his present job(with which he is more than
happy) soon after Angel was born.The John-Annie couple too got their
financial blessing(John Chettan's job was made permanent) when they came to
know Annie Chechi was pregnant.
We thus discovered a new method of making money!
(Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a
reward -Psalm 127:3). Our children by themselves are a blessing but the
benefits they bring along when they come into this world ........

( Our other cell-mates are the Manoj-Beena couple;they couldn't make it as
their baby has fever-please do remember little "Mario" in your
prayers.......and also the pro-life champs,the Alexy-Shiny couple who are in
Agra at present).
Love & prayers,
Annie Berly/Cochin/India

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