Dear friends in Jesus,

 Thanks and Praises to the Holy Trinity

 Well this is really interesting.In very simple terms
 It becomes very easy to understand this if we
 stop thinking that God,The Holy Trinity ,is 
 like a human being or like a  Man.God is God and not 
 a human being.There are 3 persons in God and Only the
second person  in the Holy Trinity became Man who is
our Lord Jesus and revealed the  "Mystery of Holy
Trinity" ,died  in the cross so that all generations
who repent upon their sins and turn to God, shall get
a chance to enter the Kingdom of God. 

  Thanks to the Lord for his Infinite Mercies


--- "C.C.Joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Haloo Friends,
>  The Holy Trinity- what is it all about ??
>  In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) we
> read, " Trinity is the
> central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is
> the mystery of God in
> Himself. It is therefore the source of all the other
> mysteries" (article
> 234).
>  Now how many of us know the Trinity well ?
>  I think we have an inhibition that a MYSTERY is a
> secret and not to be
> understood. Well I don't agree to this viewpoint, I
> believe a Mystery is an
> Invitation to Know. Now I don't believe in a God who
> will say "see boy there
> is a thing called trinity now I will keep it as a
> secret". If it is to be a
> secret why at all should He reveal this to us?
> Whenever God reveals something
> He does it, I believe, with the intention of His
> children knowing Him more.
>  Is it not that Love wants to Know and to be known?
> In CCC-158 "faith seeks understanding.... a believer
> desires to know better
> the one in whom he has put his faith."
>  As we all know that we are called to Know and to
> Love God, I think we Love
> God a lot, but do we Know Him, as someone said we
> only know about Him. We have
> to know Him, if so we must try to understand the
> central mystery of our faith
> - Trinity.  I am not claiming that we will
> understand it in totality, but at
> least we can start this journey to Know our master.
>  So my friends why not take this Invitation from out
> Lord to know Him more and
> start a discussion about the Trinity?
>  I will surely put in all that I have read, listened
> and understood about this
> invitation from the Lord (Trinity-mystery).
>  Hoping that many will contribute their
> understanding about Trinity, and
> enrich all.
> With Love and Prayers,
> C.C.Joseph
> May God Bless You
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