Hi Friends,

I would like to share my views on accepting food offered to Gods in other

I feel that there is nothing wrong in accepting food offered to other

I believe that all religions lead to God. This is in accordance to the
teaching of the Catholic Church (ref. 12 std cathechism textbooks published by
POC, Kerala).

We are not gaining anything by refusing food offered to other Gods... The only
advantage is that we can show others that we are different. Many evangelical
groups encourage this, ie, to show that we are different... in varying

And there lies the problem.....

Everyone whants to show that he is different from others... or he is superior
to others... See how man tries to separate God's creations...

Just imagine the condition if a person of one religion refuses the food made
by a person of another religion.(When hindu's make sadya's, they first offer
the food to their Gods before serving). The result will be religious
fundamentalism. (which ofcourse is very common nowadays...).

If I refuse the food offered by my friend saying that it has been offered to
HIS God, then he has every RIGHT to refuse the food my mother cooks in our
home (because she says a prayer of offering before cooking). This can be
extended to my friend not entering my house(because we pray in the living
room.... and according to him, it is a place of worship of another God...:-)

Who gains from this??? Definitely not God.... It is the people who propagate
such ideas who are finally going to gain from this... Because religious
fundamentism(in all religions) have always attracted supporters... and
money... It is exactly this kind of fundamentalism that has caused man to
raise his sword against his brother... all in the name of religion.

Few years back, when I stayed in a hostel, the butcher who used to supply meat
was a Muslim. He used to pray before killing the goat. They call it halal. If
the Christians in the hostel were to refuse the meat because it was offered to
his God, the butcher would of course go out of business....:-)

Well... if my spirituality is something that gets affected by eating some
sweets offered by my Hindu friend, then I dont think it is worth

There are many evangelists(both Catholic and Protestants) who propagate such
fringe ideas... and brand those who dont follow them as sinners.. During a
retreat, I have heard a Catholic evangelist preach that it is wrong to sing
Indian Classical Songs.. and the reason she gave was that those songs
contained the names of Hindu Gods...:-)

According to my understanding of Hinduism, Hindu's cannot be called
idol-worshippers. (On consecrating the idol, the Hindu priest(tantri) invokes
the spirit of God into the idol.) They donot worship the idol, they worship
the spirit of God that is in it. Just like how we catholics donot worship the
idols on our altars, but the spirit of God in it.

If we judge Hindu's as idol-worshippers, I can emphatically say that Catholics
are also idol-worshippers... if judged by the same standards.

Please do let me know if I am wrong on any of the facts stated.

Love and Prayers
Saju Mathew Alex
Bangalore, India

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