     When  I was deleting my old files I found this document which I
prepared  for the Joynet.
But I couln’t sent. Even though it is already delayed I am sending now

Dear loving friends in Jesus,
                                     Thank you very much for your
prayers & blessings that I have received for my birthday. It is great
pleasure for me to receive warm greetings from 'un- known ' faces. I
really thank God for given me so many spiritual friends through joynet.
                                     As a reflection to my birthday dear
friends I can tell you Jesus loving me very much. I received uncountable
blessings from my Lord. Everything I received in my life as a grace of
God. Yes, I can say " The Almighty has done great things for me". Also I
know I am transforming day by day towards my Lord. On the birthday
morning I got a strong feeling to say rosary to everyone related to me.
Dear friends this is the first time in my life I made15 rosaries in a
day I am not that much devotee to Mother Mary . Through my rosaries I
met all the faces connected to my life. My heart filled with mixed
feelings --- big thanks, big soory etc.. etc…  I prayed through rosary
my chachan & Ammachi
my wife
my 2 sisters & a brother
my teachers/priests/sisters
my friends/well wishers
my relatives
my wife's relatives
my prayer cell
for the Church
for the world
for the talents and graces I received
for my sins/failures
for the general intentions
for leading a good family life
for my spiritual growth

            Thank you once again .

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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