Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value
Source:   New Hampshire Sunday News; January 20, 2002

Child of Rape Says All Life Has Value

Concord, NH -- Whenever attorney Rebecca Kiessling hears people condemn
abortion except in the case of rape or incest, she feels a deep personal

She was conceived during a rape. Her birth mother attempted to get an
abortion, but they were illegal at the time and she ultimately decided
against it. Her frightened mother gave up her baby for adoption instead.

Kiessling was adopted by a Jewish couple in Michigan who raised her in
their faith and encouraged her to become a lawyer. Until her late teens,
she had no idea of the circumstances of her birth or the identity of her
birth mother.

Yesterday, Kiessling spoke to about 350 people in the Sacred Heart Church
after most had just completed the annual March for Life from the New
Hampshire State House to the church.

"The biggest message I have is all life has value," Kiessling said.

Kiessling, 32, of Rochester Hills, Mich., is a semi-retired Christian
lawyer, having closed her law office to take care of her family and speak
around the country.

She still does some pro-bono legal work for women and pro-life groups.

She and her husband, Bob, adopted their son Caleb, who often travels with
her. His birth mother was 16 and conceived him at a rave party.

The Kiesslings also adopted a daughter, Cassie, who lived for only 33 days
and died of DiGeorge syndrome, which is a rare group of abnormalities
including recurring infections and heart defects.

"It's so sad that people could look at Cassie and say she wasn't as good,"
Kiessling said.

Kiessling said society too often judges people by whether they are a
burden or benefit without acknowledging the true value of each human life.

"It was an honor to take care of her . . . It was the most important thing
I've ever done," Kiessling said.

Kiessling believes God has a special place in his heart for disabled
children. "Each one of our lives makes a difference and don't let anyone
tell you otherwise," Kiessling said.

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