Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday we met one of our Joynet member Mr. Dencil Vincent from Dubai, U.A.E., who 
came here in Kuwait for an official tour. We, Mr. Mahesh Peter and me who represent JY 
in Kuwait, met him at 7pm at Le Meridian hotel where he is staying. Since this was a 
short noticed program all the JY in Kuwait could not gather. But  It was a wonderful 
meeting.  We shared our personnel experience as well as the JY activities going-on in 
both the countries. We got a very clear picture about the formation and growth of the 
JY community in U.A.E. As the JY in Kuwait is still in the formation state, it is very 
useful to know how JY is formed in a Gulf country since both the countries have almost 
similar problems. 
We shared our experiences, prayed together and made some planning for the future. We 
also hope that this meeting will be the beginning of a G.C.C. or Middle East gathering 
in future. Mr. Dencil will return to U.A.E. today evening.
We wish him all success.
The people who know only through e-mails are meeting face to face is a joyful 
experience. Joynet is a good link between the JY's around the world. When we visit a 
country, it is good to inform the JY's in that area and gather together to share our 

With love
Biju Antony / JY-Kuwait.


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