Haloo dear friends,

There is more that half a thousand people on the JoyNet, I believe that most
of us read books, so I thought that it would be nice is if we can have a name
bank of good books. Let me start this by suggesting some books, what I would
like to happen is that everyone on the net will add on to this list so that we
can have a big list of good books.

1)      Life of Christ - Fulton J sheen

2)      Peace of Soul - Fulton J Sheen

3)      Through the Year with Fulton Sheen - Compiled by Henry Dieterich

4)      Treasure in Clay - Fulton J Sheen

5)      Life in the Lordship of Christ - Raniero Cantelamessa

6)      When the well runs dry - Thomas H Green

7)      Normal Christian Life - Watchman Nee

8)      The Screwtape Letters - C.S Lewis

9)      Theology for Beginners - F. J. Sheed

10)  Holy Spirit Power - Charles Spurgeon

11)  Healing - Francis MacNutt

12)  Bondage Breaker - Neil T Anderson

13)  Parables and Fables for modern Man - PeterRibies

14)  Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Teens, Families) - Stephen

15)  The Road Less Traveled - M Scott Peck

I have just listed some books that might be helpful for all. Please add to
this list giving the name of the book and the author. You can list any book
that will facilitate the Christian formation of those who read it. I believe
that this will be helpful to all.

Love and Prayers,


May God Bless You

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