
We are leaving for Velankanny today for leading the worship sessions during
the " World Day Of Sick" conference in which more than 1200 International
delegates are participating. Last year, this was celebrated in Sidney and this
is the first time in India. CBCI is hosting the programme and tomorrow from 9
AM to 4 pm, we will be joining Fr. Fio Mascarenhas and Fr. Augustine Vallooran
for animating the prayer sessions. We are taking this as a pilgrimage for
ourselves and we will be specially interceding for our IJYG-WYD-REXBAND
projects surrendering all these to our Mother Mary. Personally for me also,
this is a very important trip. Our second son, Mario is a result of the
special blessing of our Mother Mary. As usual, we are travelling with the
kids. Please keep us in your prayers..

With lots of love and Prayers,

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