Jesus youth Mumbai Mission Team is a great dream on
this year.

As a stepping stone to fulfilling this dream our
friends visited some of the mission centers of
Maharashtra on 11th Nov., 22nd Dec 2001 & ,26 - 27th
Jan. 2002. Our main plan was to visit the parishes and
meet and help the members /youth those who attended
our Cultural Exchange Program in Kerala in October
2001, as a part of the Jesus Youth Family Gathering.
Right from the beginning of our mission, we could feel
that the Lord has leading us on all our ways.

On 11th Nov. 2001, we had visited the youth of Vasai
Diocese who had attended the Program. The time we see
them observing their thirst for Jeus and the Word of
God. We had conducted a one-day program on 22nd Dec.
2001 for them. The response to the Program was great.
The 8 youth who had attended our family gathering have
started 10 prayer groups now. Every day evening they
visit the houses and share their experiences and at
the end they pray in one house. The mission in-charge
takes these youngsters to different villages by
his-own vechile. Also they have organised some
programmes in the Diocesan level. Last month they did
the arrangements to take 60 people to attend the
retreat at Tabor Ashram, Kalyan. Now they take a
second batch of 120 people for the retreat. Friends,
here we have to think how much we were doing for our
neighbours, our work place or where were we are as we
got this much training and love of him. To learn from
this go and proclaim the good news. On 24th of this
month we are again conducting a one-day program

In this January two of our friends visited Amravathy
and Nagapur mission centres also. From the reception
we got at Amaravathi, we could really feel that the
Lord had arranged everything for us.  Eventhough the
Parish Priest didn't know us but still he did
everything possible to make us comfortable. If we were
received with such an enthusiasm and love, at the
parishes, it is only because of the change in the life
and by the activities of the youth who attended our
Oct. program. Whatever they gained from the program -
the word of god and the love the made their lives
alive- they gave it in their parishes in the form of
visiting the houses, sharing their experiences and
also organising various prayer services and programmes
in their own parishes and also by being the messages
of love to the neighboring parishes.

The seminarians at Nagpur Seminary who are also an
ex-Jesus Youth, expressed their wish to visit all the
villages of Maharashtra and to have a combined effort
with Jesus Youth- Mumbai, to spread the message of
love of Jesus.

If Jesus Youth can take up this challenge tomorrow, it
would be the most precious gift that Jesus Youth can
render towards the evangelization of India at large.

So dear friends we have once again request you to all
your prayer support for all our activities. Now we had
two intercession groups - every Wednesday and
Saturday. Apart of this we had mainly two gatherings
in every month ;

On every IIIrd Sunday - Malayalam ( 9.30AM to 2.30 PM)

On every IVth Sunday - English ( 11 AM to 4.30 PM)

lots of love and prayers

Sojan K. J.

PHONE (R) 91 - 22 - 884 3879

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