Dear Friends,

Wait until they get hurt and their true color will come out. For example 
fasting which is an effective means of sacrifice is done more out of conceit 
to gain the praise of others and not to actually repair for ones sins. Once 
the person gets week, hungry, and sick he stops fasting altogether.

    This is also true for almsgiving. Unfortunately not all fasting and 
almsgiving are done with real generosity. Only when giving becomes painful, 
when the self begins to hurt, does almsgiving become authentic.

    In the case of obeying God’s will it should not only be done for as long 
as it is honorable and convenient. When misfortune hits us and we are left 
homeless, hungry, without money, and abandoned by our very own kin then also 
we should obey God’s will. (See the example of Job)

       Lastly, the true color of a Christian is tested when perfection of 
one’s duty is demanded. A married woman continues to be a loving mother and 
a dutiful wife 24 Hours a day because she has said “ in sickness or in 
health, in good times and in bad. ”. The same applies to the religious who 
must remain faithful to his vows regardless of whether life inside the 
congregation is hell or not. No ifs or buts. It is to God that he has 
committed himself and not man. (Fr. Binge Arellano)

Bensilal Chacko

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