Dear Friends,
 Take time to read this and check your life. This has
 helped me a lot to hope for better days ahead, in the
 Your's in Christ Jesus,
 Biji James,
             Life Changing Checkpoints
 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know
 my anxious thoughts;
 and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead
 in the everlasting way." 
 Psalm 139:23-24
     When you're thinking about the changing times and
 the calendar pages that seem to turn too eagerly,
 boggles your mind the most? Is it how old you're
 getting? How big the kids have grown? Or is it what
 God is doing in your life?
     As we settle into the new millennium, we have to
 guard against settling into complacency. The only way
 to do that is to ask ourselves a scary question. And
 we have to ask it repeatedly. How is knowing Jesus
 Christ changing my life? 
     Before you can reach out to others in the name of
 love, you have to grow in your understanding of love.
 Before you can devote more energy to sharing the
 life-changing message of Christ with someone else,
 have to make sure your life is being changed by His
 message of hope, healing, and forgiveness.
     Our lives shouldn't just contrast the lives we
 before coming to know the Lord. They should be
 different from the lives we led last year and the
 before that. As we grow, we change. But the issue is:
 Are we growing?
     Last month, many of us made the same New Year's
 resolutions we've made in years past. But have we
 questioned ourselves why?
     Why is it that we seem to resolve over and over
 again to read our Bible more, take better care of our
 health, or start spending more time with our families
 than we do at work? Maybe it's because we are trying
 to change the outward appearance of our lives without
 asking Jesus Christ to change us inside.
     If we're honest about wanting to change areas we
 know God wants to overhaul, we must all come to the
 same conclusion: I can't do it. It's a humbling thing
 to admit: We cannot change ourselves. No amount of
 programs, books, or Bible studies are going to do the
 work in our hearts than only Jesus Christ can do.
     So where does that leave us? Exactly where God
 wants us.
     When we're ready to let go of our ways and our
 coping mechanisms, we see that it's impossible to
 inflict "change" on ourselves or on anyone else apart
 from the supernatural work of God. Often, it's
 go that proves more difficult than running forward.
     So if you're serious about experiencing real
 inward change this year, take a few minutes to stop. 
 Ask God to reveal to you the ways He wants to work in
 your life. 
 Ask Him to show you the areas He wants to change, and
 the areas He has already changed. 
     A spiritual checkpoint isn't something we do at
 the beginning of the year and then wait until we hear
 the chorus of "Aude Lang Syne" before resuming again.
 It's something we can do daily, and weekly, to give
 control and let the Lord change in us what we cannot.
     When you discover God's vision for how He wants
 impart new habits and views to you . . . 
 Keep praying. 
 Ask Him to use specific experiences, Scripture, and
 people to change the way you view Him, the way you
 view obedience, and the way you view yourself and
     It's after we're in the habit of asking ourselves
 the first scary question that we can begin asking
 ourselves the second one: How are the changes of
 Christ in my life affecting the lives of others?
     Maybe God has birthed in you a vision to love
 others by serving them. Maybe He has given you an
 for a particular ministry in your church, or even a
 personal ministry such as befriending the neighbor no
 one else likes. 
     Whatever the method, God most certainly will call
 you to live radically. Some will misunderstand;
 will discourage you. Still there will be some who get
 it: God is in the business of change. 
     That change will come about as the body of Christ
 lets Christ into the places we've not dared opened
 before. When we are willing as individuals and as a
 corporate body to invite the Lord's revelation into
 the darkest places of our lives, His light will be
 able to shine brightly through us to a world that
 desperately looks in all the wrong places for
     The amazing thing about conducting spiritual
 checkpoints in your life is that it's nearly
 impossible for them not to have an impact on someone
 else's life too.
 Copyright © 2002 IN TOUCH MINISTRIES. All rights
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