Dear friends,
The following is one of Alice Chechi's(Miss C.C.Alicekutty,JY Animator)
favourite stories:
There were two sparrows living on a tree-top.
Every day they saw human beings around them.
And what they noticed about them each day was the human beings were always
busy,tense and worried.
And the sparrows began wondering,"Don't these people know that we have a
Heavenly Father who cares for our needs??"

I have reason to remember this story now.
Our daughter,Angel,was down with viral fever.We took her to the doctor on
Sunday.Soon afterwards,she  somehow managed to go to sleep with some
difficulty.Some moments later,the power supply went off.As usual,I began
grumbling,"What a day and what a time  for it to go!My poor girl-how will
she sleep now??"
Then,from out of somewhere,this story came to mind.And I realised-my
daughter has a Heavenly Father who cares for her much much more than I
do.This realisation flooded me with peace and I left the room.Soon as I
left,the power supply returned!
He is El-roi,The God who sees(us).
Love & prayers,
Annie Berly/Cochin/India.

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