
Many members have mailed me about the alternate explanation of Mark 6:3.

Here is an excerpt from the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia

"On the orthodox side two views have long been current. The majority of the Greek 
Fathers and Greek writers, influenced, it seems, by the legendary tales of apocryphal 
gospels, considered the "brethren" of the Lord as sons of St. Joseph by a first 
marriage. The Latins, on the contrary, with few exceptions (St. Ambrose, St. Hilary, 
and St. Gregory of Tours among the Fathers), hold that they were the Lord's cousins. "

( note that the word orthodox in this excerpt means churches which are not Protestant. 
ie.  the Catholic Church and Eastern Churches which are not in union with the See of 
Rome, but keep the same faith. )

For the complete article see the link

The majority of exegetes and theologians of the Western Church, are of the opinion 
that the Lord's bretheren were his cousins. But there is a strong tradition in the 
Eastern Churches, Catholic as well as Schismatics, that they were His legal brethren. 
This view, though not currently popular in the west,  is nevertheless a tradition held 
by many eminent and honored Fathers and Doctors of the Church.

As far as faith is concerned one is bound by the Church to believe only such 
doctrines, which are  1. promulgated by an ecumenical council or  2.  pronounced by 
the Supreme Pontiff Ex-Cathedra invoking his infallibility. In other matters the 
faithful is free to accept any version which does not per se contradict what they are 
requred to believe.

For example, these Marian Dogmas are pronounced by the church as essential articles of 
faith. 1. That She is the Mother of God ( Theotokos ) 2. She retained her Virginity 
even after the birth of Jesus 3.She is perpetually a Virgin 4. She was free from 
Original Sin from the moment of conception 5. She was bodily assumed to heaven at the  
end of her earthly life.

Now, there are two schools of opinion about  Our Lady's assumption. While many Western 
theologians hold  that She was assumed to heaven without tasting death,  Eastern 
traditions say that She died, was buried and then was resurrected and assumed to 
heaven.  As long as  no dogmatic pronouncement is made a believer is free to accept 
either version.

As the saying goes " In essentials Unity, In accidentals freedom, but above all, In 
all things Love"  must be the guiding principle of Christian debate.


Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India
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