February 22, 2002
Lights In The Darkness
Read: Philippians 2:12-16

You shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life. --
Philippians 2:15-16

Bible In One Year: Numbers 4-6; Mark 4:1-20

I once read about a woman who felt very much alone at her workplace because
she was the only Christian. She was often ridiculed for her faith and accused
of being narrow-minded. Finally she became so discouraged that she considered
quitting her job. Before doing that, however, she talked with her pastor.
After listening to her complaints, the minister asked, "Where do people
usually put lights?" "In dark places," she replied.

She quickly recognized that her place of work was indeed a "dark place" where
"light" was vitally needed. So she decided to stay where she was and become a
stronger influence for Christ. It wasn't long before a number of her fellow
employees -- 13 of them, in fact -- came to know Christ as their Savior.

As "lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15), we who are believers in Christ
have the privilege of illuminating its dark places. Although we are not of the
world, we are in the world. We must not allow ourselves to be shaped by its
pressures; instead, we are to exert our influence on it.

If you are in an unusually difficult and ungodly atmosphere, call to mind
Christ's words, "Let your light so shine before men" (Matthew 5:16). Remember,
it's the dark places that need the light. -- RWD

If you were in the dark,
You'd surely welcome light;
That's why we share God's Word
With souls in darkest night. -- Hess

To lead others out of the darkness of sin, let them see your light.

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