Hello everyone! 
  I write today asking you guys to pray for a friend of mine that I met
here in college. She needs a lot of prayer support. Her name is Cecelia. 
She will finish her Masters degree in Industrial Engineering in May.  She
needs to find a job.  This is her situation:
She got married to a  professor in my college in 1999.  She came from
Tamil Nadu, Comboitore in Dec 1999 to be with her husband.  But a couple
of months later her husband told her to move out because he told her that
she is not the kind of wife he wants.  She moved out of the house after
her parents and his parents told her to move out.  I guess you can
understand the pain a girl has to go through who has been sheltered all
her life by her parents and then all of a sudden has to do things on her
own.  She is really struggling right now.  She has no family here in the
States. She lives by herself in an apt.&n! bsp; Her desire is to reunite
with her husband.  Please pray for her husband.   She also needs a job. 
She has been looking for jobs, but nothing has worked out for her.  
Please keep her in your prayers.  She has great faith that God will open
a window for her.  She is Catholic.  Her faith really inspires me.  I see
her kneel before Jesus in the blessed sacrament with tear filled eyes,
believing that God will hear her prayers.  PLEASE pray that she might
continue to stay firm in her faith and not lose hope.  I know with all of
us praying, God will work a miracle for her.  Please pray that the Lord's
will be done.  Thanks!  May God bless you all. Love and Prayers in Jesus,
Mary and JosephLeenaPhiladelphia, USA


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