Nice to receive your e-mail and this is what I have to
say.In your e-mail you have stated that you were going
to the catholic church previously.This is one point by
itself.First try to find out how you landed in the
catholic church.Is it by chance or by birth?And also
for how long?That should display the number of years
you have been going to the Catholic church.It also
means that going to a catholic church was based on
some faith,in which you were beleiving.So analyse that
part also for yourself.The Catholic Church beleives in
Mary and till the time you left the catholic church
you were beleiving and praying to Mary and Jesus.So
once again you know why you were doing so.
Now you want to know WHY we should pray through
Mary.The answer lies within you.The fact that you were
going to the catholic church and praying to Mother
Mary in itself is a self explanatory answer to the
question you are facing today.
please do free to reciprocate,
with love and prayerful wishes,


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