“G-O-D” a very powerful word!!!!!! No doubt, it has special power to touch
the hearts! Previous day I experienced the power of this "three beautiful

That was the last period of the day. I was totally exhausted because of
continues class. I was eagerly waiting for that last period, where I can
take little rest by giving some revision works to the kids.
I put a written test I was relaxing…. After a short while I found a boy
looking in to the book of who was sitting near to him. I felt very bad, So I
asked him whether he copied down from his friend, but he denied. Then
all his classmates shouted – 'he is a liar.' But I allowed him to write the
exam.Because I had no energy to declaim against him or gave a speech about

To satisfy my own mind in a mild tone I told “ God is watching everything,
you can cheat your teacher but not GOD. He will reward you according to your
work.” Many didn’t pay any attention to my mild voice, because they were
busy with their exams…

At the end of the period, a girl came towards me and told – “Ma’am yesterday
I got star mark for my revision work” ( the highest scorer gets star mark)
“Good” I commented.
“Ma’am please take back the star mark. Yesterday I cheated you, by copying
down an answer from my friend’s book. Now I know God is watching us every
minute and will reward us according to our deed. I’m not good enough to get
this star.”

Her eyes were wet…... a truly confession….I took her book and gave one more
star and a kiss to her. I told “this double star is for your honesty and for
your reverence towards God!”
At that moment, her face was like…she had achieved life’s greatest prize!

Friends here I didn’t worked much to change my kid’s attitude. In a mild
tone, I used the word “GOD” in my talk. Now I know this word is very
powerful. You too can use this mighty word ‘here’ and ‘there’ in your talks!
We don't know when it will reverberate in another heart!

Praise God!


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