Dear Friends,

This is a short report on our visit to a village in
Tahalsari in Dhanu on 23rd Feb. 2002. This village is
in a remote area, which is just 10km before Gujarat
border, a group of Adivasi people and their love for
Christ. We were a group of 8 people (6 boys and 2

First of all let me tell you that our lord is a mighty
god. He works in different ways. When we reached there
we could see god’s glory already present in that
place. People were getting ready for receiving from
the lord. Before we could start, we had no idea about
what we are going to do and how the program will go
through out the night. (Yes it was like a night
vigil). And also we had no idea about how we are going
to interact with these people who were of tribal area
who knew only Marathi and we were the people of major
language barrier. We neither knew Hindi Properly, and
Marathi was out of Question. But we waited upon the
lord and his spirit. For his Spirit teaches us

The Program started with heavy anointed Praise and
Worship in Hindi. Then we had the Sharing of the word
in Malayalam, which was translated in Hindi and in
Marathi by the Parish Priest who also was present for
the program. At the end we had a full one-hour of
Adoration, which was the most awesome and glorious

We saw that all those who came were a group of people
who really had the hunger and thirst for the lord.
This reliasation came when we heard that people had
come to attend the night vigil even though they had to
go for their Marathi retreat in Tabor the very next
early morning around 6.00 am. These people were
praying for many days for the night vigil to be
conducted in their area, which at last took place on
23rd February 2002. We were greatly touched by the
people of the tribal area. 

There were many testimonies and miracles that took
place during that night. We would like to specially
thank Fr. Baptista Lopez for giving Jesus Youth Of
Mumbai an opportunity to spread the WORD OF GOD and
bringing in more laborers in the lord’s vineyard.

This sunday (8th of March) we are going for another
outreach programme.  so please keep in your prayers.

Union with Jesus and Mary

Sojan K. J.

PHONE (R) 91 - 22 - 884 3879

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