Dear friends, The first doubt was raised by Janet.
"And he said to them, 'Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.'" Matt 16:28 Jesus was not referring to actual physical death in the above verse. In fact if we try to understand the context the meaning will be more clear. Read verse 24 "...If anyone wants to come with me, he must forget (deny) self, carry his cross and follow me." Now denying or renouncing self is the most difficult part in anybody's life. We can renounce food for body, clothes, entertainments, relatives etc but not self. When and only when one renounces self (s)he can show the "other cheek". In reality Jesus was speaking about the renouncement of the self rather than the death per se. The second query is from Shija Daniel. Does it say anywhere in the Bible that Mary has risen up from the dead? Well, the answer is a counter-question. In Matt 17:3 we read Jesus transfiguring and holding discussions with Moses and Elijah. Now where do we read about these two prophets rising from the dead? Was it just an illusion or a reality? If we believe it was a reality, the obvious conclusion is the everything is possible for God. In the case of Mary, she deserved it because of her total surrender of self to God and God did it well before the final rising. Can anyone refute it? God bless you all Joseph Lonth Dubai, UAE **************************************************************** This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list. To unsubscribe, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe to this mailing list, visit For automatic help, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] In case of any issue related to the mailing list contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] ****************************************************************