greg dsilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear Nandita,
>From my end I will definately say that it is not
whether the Church should change with the changing
times,but The Church is changing with the changing
There are so many things which can be observed as
compared to the past.
1)As a child I remember the priest offering mass by
facing the main alter.Today he faces the people.
2)The Holy Eucharist was celebrated in latin
only.Today the church has changed its attitude towards
this and so we find that if you go to gujarat the mass
is celebrated in Gujarati.In Goa it is in Konkani and
so on.
3)In the past on Good Friday people mostly would
dressup in black.Today the church is emphasizing that
it is not a day to be sad but instead to be happy
because it is due to good friday that the doors of
Heaven were opened and Easter Sunday followed.
4)Alowing Lay people to distribute Holy Communion. 
Earlier only consecrated hands were supposed to touch
the Tebernacle.
5)Fulfilling the obligation i.e. Sunday Mass. Today
the church allows you to go for Mass on Saturdays to
fulfill your Sunday obligation.
6)Today even if you attend a funeral mass on Sunday,or
a mass celebrated for christening,you need not go for
a special or routine mass held as per church timings
on that Sunday.
7)In Goa most of the churches have the Passion of
Christ celebrated during Lent with the statue of
Christ posing in different forms thus giving us a
deeper meaning and understanding of the sufferings
undergone by christ for our sake.But today the new
churches built in Goa and are doing away with this
system,all because the church has decided to change
with the present times.
8)Having death anniversary masses and blessing of the
graves is now restricted to the first year only.So
much so that the church discourages to offer masses
for the dead with the title like third death
anniversary or say fifth death anniversary and so
on,but instead the church says this mass is offered
for the soul of so and so.
9)Distributing Holy communion on the palm rather than
the tongue is a vital change.
10)Priests are given the facility to move around like
civilians with pants,shirts and t-shirts.(The choice
being totally of the priest)as compared to the past
when we always found them with cassocks.
11)Nuns are also given the facilty to change to sarees
and skirt-blouses.
12)Earlier if a nun had to leave her congregation she
had to wait after intimation of her desire,till it was
confirmed by the Pope.Today she can just intimate and
leave.No need to wait.
So Nandita,I think I have expressed quite a bit and to
cut short I would like to say BYE,but before that I
would like to tell you that a Cynod has taken place in
Goa last month almost after 50 years.One of the
aspects of the Cynod was to discuss the various
changes required by the Church for the benefit of
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