Hello friends,

Someone (or more than one?) asked me about some genuine charity project to
support. I couldn't propose any at that time. Now I would like to propose one
organisation, Holy Cross Hospice for financial support. The hospice looks
after terminally ill, especially dying cancer patients and run by Holy Cross
nuns at Perumpadappu, near Cochin, South India. I am one of its board members.

But, of course, my first love is surely for Jesus Youth. With the
International Conference fast approaching, we are in need of BIG support for
Jesus Youth. And no others will understand the need for youth exposure and
training, so we will have to have a preferrential option for that. I mention
the Hospice because some people specifically set apart money for poor and

So if you have a mind to know more about this hospice, especially at a time
when they are increasing the capacity from 25 beds to 50 beds, do respond to

Eddy/ Cochin/ India

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