Hi Joynet friends,

We see more than 15,000 (this is not an exact number) churches scattered 
around the world, all professing to be the true church and finding fault 
with all others.

The Acts of the Apostles, Revelation and the letters of St Paul provide us 
with hints about existence of different churches.

As Shreil and Shija and many others pointed out the Church is the body of 
Christ and different denominations are the parts of the body. There is no 
dispute about it. Why and how all the denominations came to exist is part 
of history now.

But all churches with apostolic traditions have authority derived from 
Christ by ordination and faith.

The moot question is why do they fight each other and throw dirt against 
each other. Most of the divisions in the church today have something to do 
with leadership struggle. Faith has had very little role in the division 
and subdivision of the church.

This is where the ecumenical movement and apologies of the Catholic church 
have relevance.

Let different churches learn to behave like parts of the body and help and 
console each other, feel the pain inflicted on one part or the other and 
the Head of the body will provide the healing quickly and effectively. Let 
no one blame others.

Now let's all pray for it today and every day.

God bless you
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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