Dear JYs

We all know that soon after the Holy Week we commerate a Week to the Divine

Recently at CFD (online prayer grp) we had offered a whole Divine Mercy for
Peace in the Middle East. I was wondering why dont we at JY have something
like that. During the Divine Mercy let us pray unitedly at a particular point
of time pray for peace in India. All we have to do is to agree on an hour on a
particular day in the Divine Mercy Week within which all of us can recite the
Divine Mercy.

I know some of us may argue that they are in different time zones and whether
is it practical to say the Divine Mercy at a time other than 3.00pm.

Well accordingly to Father Paul... "If we miss praying the Divine Mercy at
3.00pm, then it should not deter us from praying at all. We should remember
that no matter at whatever point of time we are in, somewhere in the World it
is 3.00pm. Keeping that in mind, we should pray the Divine Mercy daily".

It would really be nice if we all could decide an hour on a particular day in
the Divine Mercy Week within which we could all say the Divine Mercy together
in unison for peace in our Country.

Here is what we will be praying for:

1. Peace & Unity in our Country.

2. For the Persecuted Christians in our Country and world wide. The latest
issue of Zenit has this to add about Christians in India -

"Violence against Christians has also surged this year, with attacks reported
weekly, the Washington Times noted Feb. 25. Recently, a mob of about 70 men
attacked a group of children attending a catechism class in a church near
Mysore, in south India. In other similar incidents, two church workers and a
teen-age boy were shot at while praying; two missionaries were beaten while
they were bicycling home; and a Christian cemetery was vandalized in Port
Blair, in the Andaman Islands.
On March 2, RSS activists set upon two Catholic priests while they were on
their way to a police station to report on an attack on a Church-run school in
Khurda, according to the SAR news agency. The day before, a mission station
run by the Divine Word Society in Sanjeli, Gujarat, was ransacked and set
ablaze by RSS and VHP activists."

3.  For power of our Lord Jesus Christ to triumph over the power of Satan.
Satan is working over time. We all know the increasing amount of Porn mails we
are receiving. Here is the latest thing which I heard is somewhat like this -

"Apparently there is something mysterious which is happening in various non
christians household. And it is slowly catching on. Apparently a person
infront of two people keep a 'roti' tied up in cloth with some kumkum and some
other ingredients. They perform puja. After 7 days, from that 1 roti u get two
other roti's mysteriously. After that the two person take one roti each and
perform the same puja. Each of them with 2 more people. And so forming a
chain. They believe this to be a blessing from their God. When I heard it I
thought it was fake. But when I heard my friends out of Mumbai talking about
the same thing, I realisd that things may get out of hand. May the Lord reveal
truth in this matter."

Anyways it is just a suggestion.....

urs in faith


When you are DOWN to nothing ...God is UP to Something.

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