Dear All

It has been a week since I wrote anything and it is now the right time to tell you all 
about what I had been through fire and had been pruned by our dear Lord. It would take 
a lot to type and so please be patient with me and bear with me.

I had told you about my Group lead(GL) and my problem with him and my Lord got me out 
of it in a way I cannot comprehend. I had asked the Rev.Sisters of the convent to pray 
for me they used to ask me about the problem and to see their care was great.

Now I have to thank all of you for your simple prayers for me that proved me that.

God is an Awesome God 
He Reigns from Heaven Above
Our With Wisdom Power and Love 
Our God is an Awesome God 
The GL smiles at me now and today he wished me a spontaneous Good Morning. So praise 
the Lord and please do continue to pray for me and for him.

Yesterday I was having a great day with my God. In the evening I and Joy had gone to 
drop Sony Chettan(Delhi Walla) from Pondicherry and Siju Chettan from Bangalore. I had 
all my Vehicle papers but Joy did not.We were stopped by the Police and they asked us 
to show it.I showed mine and the Inspector asked me to go. I was propmted by Spirit to 
ask Joy to take the vehicle and then go and praise the Lord that we were allowed to 
go.Sony Chettan made a great remark that no one can stop ambassadors.Though we were 
stopped at three other places we were not fined

Yesterday we had the all Tamil Nadu JY Leaders conference here in Coimbatore and I 
would give you all a detailed report of the major descisions tomorrow

With love and prayers in Jesus Mary and Joseph


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