I take this opportunity to thank all of you for the wishes for my Birthday 
today. I started my day at the Lord's house and after I reached my office I 
checked my mail and found the first mail was a birthday wish from Fr. 
Tharayil. It is blessed to start the day from God's ordained. Thank you Fr. 
Tharayil. Then I had wishes from Fr. Thomas Mathew who then came online for 
a chat, but I was not on my seat then and so missed him. I thank above all 
the Lord most high for the grace filled 31 years of life and the rest of the 
years He has in store for me. It was a day I badly wanted to speak to my 
wife but because I have no privacy in the office till 5.30 pm I was supposed 
to wait till then to talk to her, but the loving Lord did not want me to 
wait that long, so He had my wife call me up here in my office instead. The 
first time ever that I had someone call and international call to wish me a 
Happy Birthday. To sum it all up, I thank the good Lord, Fr. Tharayil, Fr. 
Thomas, my wife Sheeba, my sister Annie and all of you my friends for having 
made this 31st Birthday a very JOYful and a memorable one. Praise the Lord.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

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