Mothers and even a tuition teacher can do more in a child’s character
formation.  She kept watching me until the end of that incident and made
sure that her son corrected his path. More than that she kept praying.

This mail from Smiju is a reflection of the greatness in him. He was able
to change by himself and that change was initiated and propelled by God
through the instrumentation of his mother and tuition teacher. Hence he
said "Mothers and even a tuition teacher can do more in a child’s
character formation. . She kept watching me until the end of that
incident and made sure that her son corrected his path. More than that
she kept praying". This doesnt in any way lessen or undercut the role of
every Dad in the character formation of the children. It simply
highlights the fact that mothers are more charismatic in revealing the
love they are created with. In the case of Smiju thi! s is what he said
about his mother's role in his character formation "In my case she made
me aware of my sin, helped me to solve the problem myself" I think if
every Dad could also try to manifest as the creation of God's love, that
would, be a mile stone in their children's life. . Thank you Smiju for
sharing your story of change. I think people like Smiju are the living 
little saints those  who live, move and have their beings among us. Every
Saint is a fallen human. God makes saints from sinners. I remember
reading the Biography of Mahatma Ghandhi and somewhere he mentioned about
a similar event of stealing and how he corrected himself which changed
his attitude towrds truth  God Bless us all and Smiju in a special way
for injecting this mail for us Fr Thomas Mathew


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