Dear friends,
St.Paul often mentions life as a running race.
I feel there is a series of running races involved.There are 100 metre
races,200 metres,300,............Sometimes, we are training for the race and
at other times, we are in the race.Father God,our Trainer,knows fully well
how developed our muscles(faith) are for each race;and He trains us
accordingly.If I am supposed to go for a 500 metre race,and I don't have the
stamina,He prepares me with a lot of (faith) exercises.
I just wanted to tell you of some friends who are preparing for a grand
event-a big race:
1).I had previously written about my friend,Preetha.(for those reading for
the first time-she is pregnant with twins,both in the same sack which
involves risk, plus it is her third caesarian ,the previous one last
February.She is in her 6th month now.For the past one month,she has hardly
been able to eat anything due to diarrhoea.)Though earlier,doctors said it
was amoebic dysentery,now they say it is due to liver damage.
2).Some of you might know Fr.Aji Mooleparambil-3rd batch full-timer.It was
mentioned previously that his father passed away last month.Soon after,his
mother had a fall and broke one of her legs.Still later,the car in which his
two brothers and cousin were travelling met with an accident.One brother
broke most of his facial bones-it is a miracle he survived.The other brother
lost an eye.The cousin broke his leg.And.....Aji Achan's sister has been
admitted for pneumonia.The only healthy members of the family are Aji Achan
and his brother-in-law.He had returned from Germany for his father's
funeral.He has visa problems and it is difficult for him to go back now.
Both of them are trusting and resting in Jesus.I don't know whether they are
training or running the race right now.But I know one thing-they desperately
need plenty of people to cheer them on.And that is exactly why I am writing
to you,Joynetters.Please,let us cheer this brother and sister on with our
prayers for them.
Love & prayers,
Annie Berly/Cochin/India

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