Psalm 23 is a prayer of confidence and inner strength. Only a person
touched by the Holy Spirit could enumerate what this Holy writer has done
. The psalmist has expressed his union with God  in the verse " The Lord
is my shepherd I have everything i need". ps.23.1 In such an ecstatic
union with God there is little space for fear and anxiety. When God fills
our life, goodness and  holiness overflows  "My cup overflows. I know
that your goodness and love will be with me all my days" psalm 23.6. There
is no fear in the people of God. God even wipes away tears from the faces
of the people who invest with God and fill their lives with God. "
because the lamb who is in the center of the throne, will be their
shepherd,and he will guide them to springs of  life-giving water. God
will wipe away every tear from their eyes" Rev.7.17.  Prophet
Isaiah,filled with the Spirit of God, has declared to the people that
those who are led by God will be unharmed even by deserts or the forces
of nature. "They will never be hungry or thirsty. Sun and desert heat
wil! l not hurt them for they will be led by one who loves them. He will
lead them to springs of water" Is.49.10. Indeed Isaiah had mentioned, God
preparing the banquet "the Lord will prepare a banquet for all the
nations of the world" is.28.6. Anyone who puts on the armor of God need
not be afraid even of death because if we have God "The sovereign Lord
will destroy death forever. He will wipe away the tears from everyone's
eyes and take away the disgrace the people have suffered. The Lord has
spoken" Is.28.8 This day is another gift from our God. God's love fills
our life and we will be able to proclaim  with the psalmist, with the
Holy Men and Women of the Lord "you prepare a banquet for me,you welcome
me as an honored guest and your house will be my home as long as I live"
psalm 23.5-6 Togetherness with God is the reward of being Spirit filled.
God is an attraction and from God no one could escape. Once God sets His
eyes on us, once we set our eyes on God, there is no turning back from
that. This attraction is felt by all people,most especially by  the
people who stay away from God. Once they come and refresh themselves in
the pool of life-giving water, sinners are transformed into living
saints. This is another day which our dear God has prepared for you and
me. This day indeed is a banquet my God has set before me to savor the
sweetness of the Lord. Once we dip into the cup of God's goodness, we
will never be afraid. Then God will take over. God will fill our life
with sweetness.  It is possible that we woke up with bitterness. We carry
heavy burdens . To us who carry heavy burdens, God is the rest and peace.
Only in God we will find rest. "whoever loves me Father and I will
love him and will come to live with him" John 14.23. The good God who
awaits our return and conversion, prepares the way for the same. My God
loves me more than I love my God. My God loves me with a love I cannot
return.  Jesus,God made man who walked on the face pf the earth spoke
with s sinful woman and prepared the way for her conversion . Jesus spoke
with her "If you only knew what God gives and who it is that asking you
for a drink, you will would ask him, and he would give you life-giving
water" John 4.10. The Samaritan woman who lived her life as she wanted
and as comfort! able was for her, was Spirit filled , the moment God
spoke with her. Jesus spoke with her and changed her. Only with God, it
is possible to change our habits and attitudes. When we believe in the
almighty God, we will never be afraid to love and to express our love to
one another as many of our missionaries has done, as our parents have
done are doing. I would say we will be able to live and make our little
homes into little Heavens on this earth if we  love God. Fear and anxiety
will have no place in our lives as God reigns us. God Bless youFr Thomas


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