R.S.Pura, a beautiful borders village of Jammu and Kashmir and very close to
Pakistan. Ushas, a B.Sc. rank holder of Mahatma Gandhi University went there
as a full-timer. She had restless nights as the occasional shelling at the
border disturbed her sleep. They always had their belongings packed up to
flee at short notice. When Indian parliament attacked by the terrorist group
on December 13th, that day they even sensed that they were walking in the
valley of the shadow of the death. The convent she stayed was surrounded by
Indian troops. Through out her dreadful ordeal she placed her full faith in
God and sensed His protection through out. The depth and width of Psalms
127: 1, “If the Lord does not protect the city, it is useless if for the
sentries to stand guard” revealed upon her.

Jammu and Kashmir, people mainly use the language Dogri. R.S.Pura came under
Jammu and Srinagar diocese. Here only 2% population follows Christianity.
These Christians mainly engaged themselves as sweepers and other fourth
grade works in municipality. Most of the Christians were uneducated. Their
socio- economic condition is very poor and it created a feeling of
inferiority among Christians. In every field they counted as oppressed and
depressed and they themselves were looked upon as “Lower Caste” This was the
realm where Ushas asked to shine for Jesus!

Ushas find it very difficult to mingle with people because of lack of
command over their language. But with the help of Holy Spirit she slowly
became efficient in handling the local language. It was her first duty to
keep that torch alight, which was kindled by the 9th batch full-timer Jyothi
in the parish prayer groups.

In R.S.Pura she worked as a teacher and as a social worker. As a teacher,
she was supposed to give Jesus to all kids in its fullness. She remembers
her role, as a teacher was not so smooth, because she didn’t relish this
profession. Substitution class added more burden to her. But she managed to
lift up all her difficulties to God who can even make a way in road through
the sea, a path through the swirling waters. His wisdom led her to accept
all the substitution class, which was used to introduce Jesus in a mighty
way in the tender hearts of her students. During school Annual day, the
children sang a song taught by their ‘Ushas teacher’ and did, a one-act play
based on Bible. Yes through her hundreds of students in R.S.Pura now knew
about a man & God named “ Jesus”

Its too proud to say that 'Ushas' was shining there as a star to give little
light to the minds of ignorant villagers.
Many villagers didn’t have any knowledge about the sexual relationship and
sexual disease. She took it as her responsibility to teach them something
about sexual life. She began to preach the importance of monogamy and
conducted some seminars on AIDS. She arranged a street play about AIDS with
the help of parish youths. This spinster raised her voice against abortion.
Gave advice for monogamy and awareness about HIV positive.

No doubt a girl from Kerala become real “Ushas” in Jammu and Kashmir, yes a
twinkling morning star!

Praise God!

Cochin/ India

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