Hi Joynetters,
Sorry for the late reply..just a little busy these days..
I will try to answer the question about the second coming of jesus in terms of the " 
End of the World" which gets every one so excited and maybe even panicky..
I will try not to get into the scientific aspects of how it will happen or when it 
will happen since jesus made it very clear that we need not break our heads 
speculating on how and when he will come back..
Now the "End of the World" will come in 2 ways..
1) when we die ....it is the end of the world for us ..
2) a common end of the world..which is also called the second coming of christ (the 
there are 2 types of judgements that will happen 
a) a personal judgement where we will be judged for our behaviour ..this will happen  
when we die..
b)a general judgement where all will be judged at the second coming of Jesus.
 By the Way this is the first time i heard about the 2 stages of acension of jesus ,or 
of the 2 stages of the second coming..
I believe taht this is mere speculation and is meant to confuse people..maybe this 
author is the pastor of a church and he needs some philosophy to keep his flock 
he cannot obviously say when jesus is coming...so he is trying to explain how he is 
Let not our hearts be troubled..
Just be prepared ...,be alert..for we do not know when he will come or how he will 
Love and Prayers
  Jose Kuriakose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear friends,
I read one book. The author is saying that

1) Jesus’ ascension has two stages
a. Secret or private John 20:16-17
b. Public Acts 1:9

2) Jesus’ second coming has two stages
a. For the saints 1 These 4:16-17 , 1 Core 15:51-58
b. With the saints Matt. 24, Luke 21:25-33

What about our teaching? Can anybody explain the different stages of
second coming of Jesus ? I feel we don’t have enough good articles
(scripture based) regarding this subject compared to non-catholic

Prayers & love

Jose Kuriakose-- Bahrain

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