THis is long but worth it.

Edward W. Desmond in 1989 for Time magazine
>Time: What did you do this morning?
>Mother Teresa: Pray.
>Time: When did you start?
>Mother Teresa: Half-past four
>Time: And after prayer
>Mother Teresa: We try to pray through our work by doing it with
>Jesus, for Jesus, to Jesus. That helps us to put our whole heart and soul
>into doing it. The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the 
>they are Jesus in disguise.
>Time: People know you as a sort of religious social worker. Do they
>understand the spiritual basis of your work?
>Mother Teresa: I don't know. But I give them a chance to come and
>touch the poor. Everybody has to experience that. So many young people give
>up everything to do just that. This is something so completely unbelievable
>in the world, no? And yet it is wonderful. Our volunteers go back different
>Time: Does the fact that you are a woman make your message more
>Mother Teresa: I never think like that.
>Time: But don't you think the world responds better to a mother?
>Mother Teresa: People are responding not because of me, but because
>of what we're doing. Before, people were speaking much about the poor, but
>now more and more people are speaking to the poor. That's the great
>difference. The work has created this. The presence of the poor is known
>now, especially the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, the loved, the
>uncared-for. Before, nobody bothered about the people in the street. We
>have picked up from the streets of Calcutta 54,000 people, and 23,000
>something have died in that one room [at Kalighat].
>Time: Why have you been so successful?
>Mother Teresa: Jesus made Himself the bread of life to give us life.
>That's where we begin the day, with Mass. And we end the day with Adoration
>of the Blessed Sacrament. I don't think that I could do this work for even
>one week if I didn't have four hours of prayer every day.
>Time: Humble as you are, it must be an extraordinary thing to be a
>vehicle of God's grace in the world.
>Mother Teresa: But it is His work. I think God wants to show His
>greatness by using nothingness.
>Time: You are nothingness?
>Mother Teresa: I'm very sure of that.
>Time: You feel you have no special qualities?
>Mother Teresa: I don't think so. I don't claim anything of the work.
>It's His work. I'm like a little pencil in His hand. That's all. He does 
>thinking. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do it. The pencil
>has only to be allowed to be used. In human terms, the success of our work
>should not have happened, no? That is a sign that it's His work, and that 
>is using others as instruments - all our Sisters. None of us could produce
>this. Yet see what He has done.
>Time: What is God's greatest gift to you?
>Mother Teresa: The poor people.
>Time: How are they a gift?
>Mother Teresa: I have an opportunity to be with Jesus 24 hours a
>Time: Here in Calcutta, have you created a real change?
>Mother Teresa: I think so. People are aware of the presence and also
>many, many, many Hindu people share with us. They come and feed the people
>and they serve the people. Now we never see a person lying there in the
>street dying. It has created a worldwide awareness of the poor.
>Time: Beyond showing the poor to the world, have you conveyed any
>message about how to work with the poor?
>Mother Teresa: You must make them feel loved and wanted. They are
>Jesus for me. I believe in that much more than doing big things for them.
>Time: What's your greatest hope here in India?
>Mother Teresa: To give Jesus to all.
>Time: But you do not evangelize in the conventional sense of the
>Mother Teresa: I'm evangelizing by my works of love.
>Time: Is that the best way?
>Mother Teresa: For us, yes. For somebody else, something else. I'm
>evangelizing the way God wants me to. Jesus said go and preach to all the
>nations. We are now in so many nations preaching the Gospel by our works of
>love. "By the love that you have for one another will they know you are my
>disciples." That's the preaching that we are doing, and I think that is 
>Time: Friends of yours say that you are disappointed that your work
>has not brought more conversions in this great Hindu nation.
>Mother Teresa: Missionaries don't think of that. They only want to
>proclaim the Word of God. Numbers have nothing to do with it. But the 
>are putting prayer into action by coming and serving the people. 
>people are coming to feed and serve, so many, you go and see. Everywhere
>people are helping. We don't know the future. But the door is already open
>to Christ. There may not be a big conversion like that, but we don't know
>what is happening in the soul.
>Time: What do you think of Hinduism?
>Mother Teresa: I love all religions, but I am in love with my own.
>No discussion. That's what we have to prove to them. Seeing what I do, they
>realize that I am in love with Jesus.
>Time: And they should love Jesus too?
>Mother Teresa: Naturally, if they want peace, if they want joy, let
>them find Jesus. If people become better Hindus, better Moslems, better
>Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else growing there.
>They come closer and closer to God. When they come closer, they have to
>Time: You and John Paul II, among other Church leaders, have spoken
>out against certain lifestyles in the West, against materialism and
>abortion. How alarmed are you?
>Mother Teresa: I always say one thing: If a mother can kill her own
>child, then what is left of the West to be destroyed? It is difficult to
>explain , but it is just that.
>Time: When you spoke at Harvard University a few years ago, you said
>abortion was a great evil and people booed. What did you think when people
>booed you?
>Mother Teresa: I offered it to our Lord. It's all for Him, no? I let
>Him say what He wants.
>Time: But these people who booed you would say that they also only
>want the best for women?
>Mother Teresa: That may be. But we must tell the truth.
>Time: And that is?
>Mother Teresa: We have no right to kill. Thou shalt not kill, a
>commandment of God. And still should we kill the helpless one, the little
>one? You see we get so excited because people are throwing bombs and so 
>are being killed. For the grown ups, there is so much excitement in the
>world. But that little one in the womb, not even a sound? He cannot even
>escape. That child is the poorest of the poor.
>Time: Is materialism in the West an equally serious problem?
>Mother Teresa: I don't know. I have so many things to think about. I
>pray lots about that, but I am not occupied by that. Take our congregation
>for example, we have very little, so we have nothing to be preoccupied 
>The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the
>less you have the more free you are. Poverty for us is a freedom. It is not
>a mortification, a penance. It is joyful freedom. There is no television
>here, no this, no that. This is the only fan in the whole house. It doesn't
>matter how hot it is, and it is for the guests. But we are perfectly happy.
>Time: How do you find rich people then?
>Mother Teresa: I find the rich much poorer. Sometimes they are more
>lonely inside. They are never satisfied. They always need something more. I
>don't say all of them are like that. Everybody is not the same. I find that
>poverty hard to remove. The hunger for love is much more difficult to 
>than the hunger for bread.
>Time: What is the saddest place you've ever visited?
>Mother Teresa: I don't know. I can't remember. It's a sad thing to
>see people suffer., especially the broken family, unloved, uncared for. 
>a big sadness; it's always the children who suffer most when there is no
>love in the family. That's a terrible suffering. Very difficult because you
>can do nothing. That is the great poverty. You feel helpless. But if you
>pick up a person dying of hunger, you give him food and it is finished.
>Time: Why has your order grown so quickly?
>Mother Teresa: When I ask young people why they want to join us,
>they say they want the life of prayer, the life of poverty and the life of
>service to the poorest of the poor. One very rich girl wrote to me and said
>for a very long time she had been longing to become a nun. When she met us,
>she said I won't have to give up anything even if I give up everything. You
>see, that is the mentality of the young today. We have many vocations.
>Time: There's been some criticism of the very severe regimen under
>which you and your Sisters live.
>Mother Teresa: We chose that. That is the difference between us and
>the poor. Because what will bring us closer to our poor people? How can we
>be truthful to them if we lead a different life? If we have everything
>possible that money can give, that the world can give, then what is our
>connection to the poor? What language will I speak to them? Now if the
>people tell me it is so hot, I can say you come and see my room.
>Time: Just as hot?
>Mother Teresa: Much hotter even, because there is a kitchen
>underneath. A man came and stayed here as a cook at the children's home. He
>was rich before and became very poor. Lost everything. He came and said,
>"Mother Teresa, I cannot eat that food." I said, "I am eating it every 
>He looked at me and said, "You eat it too? All right, I will eat it also."
>And he left perfectly happy. Now if I could not tell him the truth, that 
>would have remained bitter. He would never have accepted his poverty. He
>would never have accepted to have that food when he was used to other kinds
>of food. That helped him to forgive, to forget.
>Time: What's the most joyful place that you have ever visited?
>Mother Teresa: Kalighat. When the people die in peace, in the love
>of God, it is a wonderful thing. To see our poor people happy together with
>their families, these are beautiful things. The real poor know what is joy.
>Time: There are people who would say that it's an illusion to think
>of the poor as joyous, that they must be given housing, raised up.
>Mother Teresa: The material is not the only thing that gives joy.
>Something greater than that, the deep sense of peace in the heart. They are
>content. That is the great difference between rich and poor.
>Time: But what about those people who are oppressed? Who are taken
>advantage of?
>Mother Teresa: There will always be people like that. That is why we
>must come and share the joy of loving with them.
>Time: Should the Church's role be just to make the poor as joyous in
>Christ as they can be made?
>Mother Teresa: You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share
>with our people. Suffering today is because people are hoarding, not 
>not sharing. Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my
>brethren, you do it to me. Give a glass of water, you give it to me. 
>a little child, you receive me. Clear.
>Time: If you speak to a political leader who could do more for his
>people, do you tell him that he must do better?
>Mother Teresa: I don't say it like that. I say share the joy of
>loving with your people. Because a politician maybe cannot do the feeding 
>I do. But he should be clear in his mind to give proper rules and proper
>regulations to help his people.
>Time: It is my job to keep politicians honest, and your job to share
>joy with the poor.
>Mother Teresa: Exactly. And it is to be for the good of the people
>and the glory of God. This will be really fruitful. Like a man says to me
>that you are spoiling the people by giving them fish to eat. You have to
>give them a rod to catch the fish. And I said my people cannot even stand,
>still less hold a rod. But I will give them the fish to eat, and when they
>are strong enough, I will hand them over to you. And you give them the rod
>to catch the fish. That is a beautiful combination, no?
>Time: Feminist Catholic nuns sometimes say that you should pour your
>energy into getting the Vatican to ordain women.
>Mother Teresa: That does not touch me.
>Time: What do you think of the feminist movement among nuns in the
>Mother Teresa: I think we should be more busy with our Lord than
>with all that, more busy with Jesus and proclaiming His Word. What a woman
>can give, no man can give. That is why God has created them separately.
>Nuns, women, any woman. Woman is created to be the heart of the family, the
>heart of love. If we miss that, we miss everything. They give that love in
>the family or they give it in service, that is what their creation is for.
>Time: The world wants to know more about you.
>Mother Teresa: No, no. Let them come to know the poor. I want them
>to love the poor. I want them to try to find the poor in their own families
>first, to bring peace and joy and love in the family first.
>Time: Malcolm Muggeridge once said that if you had not become a
>Sister and not found Christ's love, you would be a very hard woman. Do you
>think that is true?
>Mother Teresa: I don't know. I have no time to think about these
>Time: People who work with you say that you are unstoppable. You
>always get what you want.
>Mother Teresa: That's right. All for Jesus.
>Time: And if they have a problem with that?
>Mother Teresa: For example, I went to a person recently who would
>not give me what I needed. I said God bless you, and I went on. He called
>me back and said what would you say if I give you that thing. I said I will
>give you a "God bless you" and a big smile. That is all. So he said then
>come, I will give it to you. We must live the simplicity of the Gospel.
>Time: You once met Haile Mariam Mengistu, the much feared communist
>leader of Ethiopia and an avowed atheist. You asked him if he said his
>prayers. Why did you risk that?
>Mother Teresa: He is one more child of God. When I went to China,
>one of the top officials asked me, "What is a communist to you?" I said, "A
>child of God." Then the next morning the newspapers reported that Mother
>Teresa said communists are children of God. I was happy because after a
>long, long time the name God was printed in the papers in China. Beautiful.
>Time: Are you ever afraid?
>Mother Teresa: No.1 am only afraid of offending God. We are all
>human beings, that is our weakness, no? The devil would do anything to
>destroy us, to take us away from Jesus.
>Time: Where do you see the devil at work?
>Mother Teresa: Everywhere. When a person is longing to come closer
>to God he puts temptation in the way to destroy the desire. Sin comes
>everywhere, in the best of places.
>Time: What is your greatest fear?
>Mother Teresa: I have Jesus, I have no fear.
>Time: What is your greatest disappointment?
>Mother Teresa: I do the will of God, no? In doing the will of God
>there is no disappointment.
>Time: Do your work and spiritual life become easier with time?
>Mother Teresa: Yes, the closer we come to Jesus, the more we become
>the work. Because you know to whom you are doing it, with whom you are 
>it and for whom you are doing it. That is very clear. That is why we need a
>clean heart to see God.
>Time: What are your plans for the future?
>Mother Teresa: I just take one day. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has
>not come. We have only today to love Jesus.
>Time: And the future of the order?
>Mother Teresa: It is His concern.

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