Hi Praise The Lord......

Here is a message fowarded by my friend Read it...........

When Mouth Speaks, Mind Listens .....

> There is no truth in him (the Devil)" (John 8:44). 
> You might as well face it. As long as you are on this
> earth, the Devil is going to talk to
> you. He has a right to test your faith by bringing you
> circumstances and lies to see if you'll
> receive them. 
> But when he does, refuse them. Cast down those fearful
> imaginations and every thought
> that is contrary to the promise of God (2 Cor. 10:5).
> Say, "The Lord is on my side. I WILL
> Then open your mouth and speak the Word of God. Use it
> to contradict the Devil's lies. If
> he tells you, You won't have enough money for your
> house payment this month, don't just
> struggle silently with that thought. Speak up. Say
> right out loud, "I will have the money for
> my house payment. I know I will because my God
> supplies all my needs according to His
> riches in Glory by Christ Jesus!" 
> I found out a long time ago that when my mouth speaks,
> my mind has to stop and listen to
> what it's saying. Maybe you won't fully believe that
> confession the first time you make it.
> But if you'll keep saying it, you'll keep hearing it.
> And what you hear, you'll believe.
> Eventually your faith will be so strong and your heart
> will be so full, you'll start speaking
> with total confidence. 
> That's when the Devil will run for cover because fear
> has no chance when faith comes on
> the scene. Faith is the original. Fear is the
> counterfeit. And the real overcomes the phony
> every time. 
> Speak the Word: The Lord is on my side. I do not fear!
> (Ps. 118:6) 
Pray for the Hyd Youth,

With Prayers,

Sanath Henry(Kollam)
Jy H'bad
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