Hi Joynetters,

My mother always told me that I should always try and  go the second mile  
because most people go the first mile and its the second mile that makes the 

My parents have ben married for the past 21 years and i suppose the novelty 
of marriage has long worn off.  So my father generally leaves getting my 
mother a B'thday present to our discretion( that is me and my two sisters). 
So the three of us sit and plan things out .But when the three of us get 
going we have a slight volume problem .So finally everyone, including my 
mother and  except my father knows what he is giving my mother for her 
B'thday. Though my mother never lets us know that she knows what is coming 
her way and pretends absolute ignorance.

But this time  for her B' thday my father, to all our surprise and to my 
mothers delight, got her a saree on his own.....i mean he had gone and taken 
the trouble to choose a saree for her.It was wonderful because he had gone 
the second mile.

I suppose all of us  do go that second mile to show that we care with our 
friends . But most of the time , it is with the people for whom we care the 
most and the people who care the most fo us that we forget the second mile. 
There is nothing particularly great in taking your mother to the hospital 
when she is sick, or taking on more than your share of the load when someone 
is sick or tired... most people would do that. But its when u go that second 
mile to tell them  through your actions and words that u  love them that it 
makes a diference.

M y mother rang me up yesterday. I was surprised since she had rung me up 
the day before and it was unual for her to call me again the very next 
day.But she told me that she was thinking about me and just fell like 
talking to me........I always knew my mother loved me, but i felt great 
about that call---it made my day.

The vintage rule( the longer stored ,the better the brew) , dosen't  exactly 
apply to love u know. So why keep all that love for the people u care for 
corked up in your heart. Go the second mile today to show someone u care 
for, that u love them . It will make their day .. and trust me .. it will 
make yours too. So go ahead and make someone's day special

loads of Love and GBU

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