Dear All in Jesus 

I am immensely happy to announce and at the same time praising God that the venue and 
the date of Jesus Youth Tamil Nadu Gathering has been confirmed. I take this 
opportunity to invite you all for the gathering and those of you who cannot come 
please grace us by your prayers.

The Date   -- 16th of June 2002(Sunday).
The Time   -- 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM 
The Venue  -- St Francis Convent, Coimbatore.

We would have the Holy Eucharistic Celebration in Latin Rite.If anyone is planning to 
come the day before the Gathering please mail me. Likewise if anyone thinks that 
he./she might come here before 8:30AM on 16th and if you might want to refresh 
yourself please mail me or contact me at my phone numbers at least four days in 
advance. We have an inter-religious center called Divyodaya where you can refresh 
yourself. I have to get permission for that if someone needs that service.

I request all the mighty prayer warriors of our Joynet and Prayernet to say a decade 
of the Rosary of mercy each day or atleast an Our Father a hail mary and a glory be. 
Praying a rosary or rosary of mercy for this special intention would have a great 
impetus on the JY here as Tamil Nadu requires rejuvenation by fire in the Holy Spirit.

My contact numbers are 0422-598708 during day time from 9:00AM to 8:00PM and after 
9:00PM call me at 0422-666956.Please do note that If  I am not available convey the 
message and give your contact number

Two days back Elsy Chechi a Joynetter had mailed me regarding her son Robin who is 
studying at Karunya and asked me to involve him in Jesus Youth Activities. Following 
her example I request all Joynetters who either have their children or some 
accompliances or contact here in the state of TamilNadu please do mail me at the 
earliest. I WILL CONTACT THEM. Please feel free to mail any queries. As of now the 
date is confirmed.

With love and prayers in Jesus Mary and Joseph

Now for those who would be attending the Gathering

A little bit about the venue. It is a convent school run by the  (Franciscan 
Missionaries Of Mary) FMM Sisters. They have five schools in that single campus.

If you are coming via Gandhipuram get on the bus that would take you to the Government 
Medical College Hospital via the Railway station and get down at Govt medical 
College.After you get down follow this path.

(I started with Railway station for the convineince of some of you who may come by 
train and from the Railway station it would take about a ten minute walk .Please do 
not forget to ask for Govt Hospital and then the St.Francis Convent)

                |  Railway Station
Traffic signal  | _ _ _ _ _ _ 
            |   |        
            |   |  
           \|/  |Govt Hospital Stop
            |   |                        
                |  Rd to KG Hospital
                | _ _ _ _ _ _
                |_   / \  St.Francis
    Entrance --> _  /___\  Convent
                |   |   |
                |   |___|
The house refers to the convent.Enter through the small Entrance and we would be there.

I think all can get a clear idea of the venue from the picture. We have obtained the 
permission to conduct the program there and also Food is available there(In malayalam 
there is a saying"Oru vedikku Randu Pakshi")One shot and Two Miracles.That was really 
a miracle in itself.

With love and prayers  

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