“I will not deal with you as your wicked evil actions deserve” Ezekiel

God forgives us and uplifts our spirit. Out of the many feelings that
require inner healing is guilt feeling. Guilt feeling is a devastating
punishment from God. When we persist in sinfulness, often times we have
the misconception that we could defeat God. I have seen people who
professed their disbelief in God.  Many think that God is a myth and they
don’t need a myth in life. Such people could be found in various realms
in life. They even surround us. At times we ourselves are no exceptions.

People pick up their dysfunctions from the existing evil order, false
ideologies, erroneous teaching, customs, traditions, willful evil
thinking and actions against God because of the evil insinuations. Evil
is at the root of any and every protest against God. Evil is at the root
of disobeying God. Evil is Satan and it was Satan who tempted the first
parents.  Satan spoke against God and God’s command to Adam and Eve “That
is not true” Gen. 3.4.  Satan called God a liar. Satan has no respect for
God or God’s commands. Satan is a tempter. He tempted even Jesus.  “Spirit
led Jesus to the desert to be tempted by the devil” Mt.4.1. Satan and
satanic forces are powerful enough ! to stand in the presence of God, the
Master of the universe “ The children of God assembled again before the
Lord to pray and Satan also came with them” Job 2.1. The cunning Satan
who called God a lair, said to Eve, a naďve woman,  “you will not die”
Gen3.4 even though she eat the forbidden fruit. Satan not only insinuated
Eve but also empowered Eve to do the evil act. Anything that comes from
the evil one is evil action. Satan knows logic. He puts things very
appealing like many of us. “Because he knows that when you eat it, you
will be like God and know what is good and what is bad” Gen.3.5. Cunning
Satan knows how to present things to us. When we are tempted we fall
because we have the freedom to fall or to stay. Adam and Eve succumbed to
evil. They sinned against God.

Many of us are good in telling lies to convince other people. We might
put on a pleasing appearance and mislead people so that they may fall
victims of abuse and sin. I have seen many innocent girls brought to the
city of Manila and were forced to a life of prostitution and shame. Many
of them died in the city itself out of shame to return to their villages
and families or died of diseases or fell victims to gangs and violence.
Some of them ended up in jails. Innocent looking and honest sounding evil
agents bewitched them.

These agents of sin lurk like Satan who might falsely convince us saying,
“It is Ok. Everyone does it. You will get enough money”. “ Don’t worry
about God. God will forgive later”.  Many fall victims to money and fame.
They like easy ways to be rich and famous. People and their hearts could
be the abode of evil, if they are not filled with the Holy Spirit. “ They
come and they live there. When it is all over, that person is in worse
shape than he was before” Luke 11.26. No wonder Jesus has stated, “
Anyone who doesn’t help me gather is really scattering” Lk.11.23. A
sinful person is not gathered in Jesus. Such a person is scattering.
Scattering everything he has. He or she is scattered far away from God.
When scatt! ered from God, they fall apart or break up.

When one is scattered away from God, it takes a while before that person
returns, like the prodigal son, into the folds of the loving Father. God
allows such things to happen and we may ask why, I don’t have an easy
answer for that. Who am I to question the mind of God? There could be
various speculations and arguments and counter arguments but I know that
God does things His own way. God is mysterious. But one thing is certain,
if we persist in sinfulness, God allows us to go through stages of
natural suffering and shame. At the end God will save us. God said,  “ I
will not deal with you as your wicked actions deserve” Ezekiel 20. 44.

God inflicts wounds on the sinful people who stray away from God. “ Then
you will remember all the disgraceful things you did and how you defiled
yourselves” Ezekiel 20.43.  The inner voice is one’s own worst enemy.
Judas suffered from this inner voice. He couldn’t stand the voice of
truth so he ended took his life. Jesus said about Judas “Good if he were
not born” Sin begets death. God said “ you will be disgusted with
yourselves with yourselves because of all evil things you did” Ezekiel
20.43 and this is what might be the guilt feeling, which punishes people.
To lift the people from such a devastating predicament we need a lo! t of
prayer power. Prior to dealing with issues in people I always make it a
point to pray and lift them up to the Lord so the Good God will work
through and miracles happen in God’s own way.

 God Bless you

Fr Thomas Mathew/June 8th/2002


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