"Happy are the Peacemakers they shall be called the children of God" Mt.

Richard ( fictitious name) is fifty three years old mechanic,White
man, married with three children, Anglican by Religious affiliation, a
recovering alcoholic, addicted to Gambling and related vices. The family
is in the verge of break up.  Richard said “I have to sacrifice  much of
my bad habits for peace in my family”. Richard is conscious of the
strength of addiction and the after math on his personal and family life.
Sitting with him affirming  and validating his fears, anxieties is one
thing and to make him function is a Herculine task.  He is very weak and
sick. He finds it hard to work because of his addictions and yet Richard
knows “Happy a! re those who work for peace God will call them his
children”. He is determined to be rehabilitated to find peace of mind, to
be at peace with God and his family. I do pray for Richard. He is working
progressively for peacefulness through rehabilitation. “I know my God
will not abandon me… I am trying father. I am trying.”. He is honest in
his pursuit of peace. At times, there are frustrating episodes and
exploding situations for him and the family. He is asking me to pray for
him and when I mentioned about the Joynet, he asked me to request the
netters to please remember and pray for him.

In Richards words,“The sermon on the mount touched me especially, Happy
are those who work for peace God will call them his children” Mt. 5.8. He
is looking for peace. He knows that “God will shelter him in times of
danger” Ps 27.5. He knows that the merciful God will never leave him or
abandon him. One day he expressed his fear about his wife aba! ndoning
him in the midst of his journey. “ That is fearful to loose my wife and
children. I love them. But she threatened me to leave ”. I have listened
to Richard. He became emotional and he said “I don’t know if there is any
future for me if they also abandon me”. he shared that it is very painful
for him to loose the job and the all the benefits and to be without his
family. He might slip into deep depression and drinking. But I trust in
the mercy of God. I read to him Psalm 27.10 “ My father and mother might
abandon me. But the Lord w! ill take care of me”. When Richard heard this
he said to me  “I think this is very consoling”.

Richard is undergoing therapy and our prayers are very important for this
man who is an apostle of peace. Richard “trusts in the Lord” Ps 27.14 so
he may not despair. Richard wants to establish peace at home. I think he
is a true apostle about whom Jesus said “ happy are those who work for
Peace, God will call them his children” Mt. 5.8. A lot of tears and
effort is put into his conversion.

Please pray for Richard and people like Ricahrd who struggles to make a
difference in life. It is easy to promise “I will not drink, I will not
gamble” and to judge them. But when it comes to real life situations, the
illness that is the habit of drinking, gambling and many other vices
resurrect. Last week Mr. Prakash a Hindu by religion, a migrant from Fiji
islands, one who doesn’t practice his religion and doesn’t think about
saying a prayer any time, said to me “ I lost one thousand dollars at Las
Vegas in a day. He gambled and said to me”  "I have promised many times
that I will not gamble. This time I hope I will keep my promise”. I  have
listened to him. But there is a difference between Richard and Prakash. 
Richard spends time in prayer and seeks divine assistance to effect a
real difference in life where as Prakash is promising every time he
looses and hopes that he will change.

It is God who gives us real freedom and God is there always to help us if
we ask for Divine assistence “I can rely on the Lord; I can always turn
to him for shelter. It was he gave me my freedom. My God you are always
there to help me” Ps 27.3.  I think the best attitude and disposition
from our part is that of obedience. Trust the Lord and God will show up
in times of our need. Elijah, obeyed God and went and stayed by Cherinth
brook. God promised “ the brook will supply you with water to drink and I
h! ave commanded the ravens to bring you bread’ 1 Kings 17.4. and the
brook supplied him with drinking water when there was drought. People who
sinned suffered for their sins. But God protected his chosen person and “
the ravens brought him meat and bread every day in the morning” 1 kings
17.6, as God promised. Our Richard trusts in this Lord so he will
experience miracles in life. He calls me often and says “ This Non
catholic is improving and I always trust in God” and his voice cracked up
when he called and talked to me this morning. He is still workin! g for
peace and struggling to establish peace in his family. I am sure God will
call him his child because Jesus said “Happy are those who work for peace
God will call them his children” Mt. 5.9

I praise and thank God for his mercies.

Fr Thomas Mathew/June 9th 2002/


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