Dear Lina & Other JYs

It is really humurous to know that Josun copied Leena's dog name and he 
becomes a Copy Cat. He should be a Copy Dog. hehehe .... For me I guess the 
only good reason I can think of Lina trying to sue for Violation is that 
because after 5 years of LL.B. she is now compatible to be an Advocate. 
Hence you can proudly see that Adv. in front of her name. So all those 
seeking to file litigations can always refer her.

The sharing of Josun as usual was good. There are so many of us who take 
such moments for granted and then with such sharings we do have to remember 
that every moments of Joy and happiness in our family do count with praise 
to our Lord. I love the part when he used all the Surf Ariel to clean the 
puppy. Reminds me of the Advertisement of Surf Excel (not Ariel) they show 
on our TVs. I think many of us have seen it. But for those who havent. It 
basically shows how clean clothes become so dirty that it would be 
unimaginable for the owner to wash them. Till someone comes and says the 
most important caption of the Ad "Ghar par Surf Excel hain na".[You have 
Surf Excel at home rite].  which would mean that as long as u have Surf 
Excel at home, then why worry about how much your clothes can get dirty. It 
reminds us that as long Jesus is there within our heart then no matter which 
way we are rubbed or how much dirt in life is thrown on us after all "Dil 
mean Jesus hain na".

And then lets remember from this great episode of Josun and his Mom. "A 
Little Massaging gives a good Messaging." hehe so go pamper the Lord it is 
surely gonna pay u dividends <winks>.

urs in faith


Never frown, even when you are sad,
because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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