My Dear Friends, 

Recently, I had to shout at a very senior, retired person who had been in one of the 
high offices. I was fully justified for my behaviour as the mistake was not at all in 
my part. But, I felt really bad when I pondered the whole event and I was feeling 
guilty that I shouted at a man who is of my grandpa’s age.   I was thinking as to how 
could I have a humble heart at those moments. 

Jesus tells us that the one who wants to be the greatest should be the servant of all 
(Luke 22:26). Jesus was God and always had the nature of God. But, Jesus willingly 
preferred to have the nature of a servant (Phil 2: 6-7). As a Jesus Youth, can we 
follow this nature at all the situations of our lives? 

I remember one incident that happened some years back. I went to the railway station 
to go to Bombay. I did not have a confirmed ticket. I was very reluctant to go with a 
waitlisted ticket but my friends told me that I could easily find a place as there 
would not be much rush. They also told me that it is just the question of one night 
and many of them have traveled to Bombay very comfortably with waitlisted tickets. 
When I reached there, I saw a very heavy rush. I went to the general compartment and 
could not even get in as the compartment was jam-packed. I did not know what to do. I 
then got into a reserved compartment and sat down in a seat. I was a bit scared as it 
was for the first time I was travelling without a confirmed ticket.  After sometime, a 
person who was sitting near to me asked me whether I have a seat or not. I think he 
could make out from my face that I didn’t have a seat. When I told him that I did not 
have a confirmed seat, he told me to get into the uppe!
r b
erth and sleep. He told me that they had 3-4 berths and they would adjust somehow. I 
was very grateful to him and I slept in the upper berth. This man was a Muslim and his 
wife, children and his mother were there with him. 

When I got up in the morning, I was shocked to see his wife and his small child 
sleeping on the floor. I felt really sorry for them. But the man was telling me to 
take it easy. I was thinking as to how would I treat this sort of situations. I know I 
would never have allowed anybody to occupy my seat. This humble man taught me a great 
lesson of humility. I think he had a true Christian nature – a nature of a humble 
I think all of us must endeavour to develop a servant’s heart in our personality. We 
are bound to do it as we have been given much and we are supposed to pay it back. The 
word of God says that ‘much is required from person to whom much is given’ (Luke 
12:48). We may have to take a lot of efforts initially but once it is imprinted in our 
personality, it will automatically come out as and when necessary. Let us ask the Holy 
Ghost to guide us in our efforts. 

Praise God!

Love, Sibi

I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13)
Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India

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